SIMPLer Features Log
Listing of all features by Quarterly release date.
NOTE: Some features will be detailed under the "Documentation" library. If the feature you require is not there, a link will guide you to its location.
2024-3Q: [EUP] Custom Fields and Notifications
2024-3Q:[CRM] Broadband Consumer Labels SIMPLer and EUP
2024-3Q: [CRM] Dealer and Store Codes
2024-2Q: [EUP] Authorize.Net - Disable Auto Payment option after Failed Payment
2024-2Q: [DASH] Dashboard Stats for Customer Types
2024-2Q: [REPT] Customer Status Report (Tools) - Subscription Custom Fields
2024-2Q: [CRM] 'Add' Button added to 'Last 5 Credits'
2024-2Q: [Billing] Broadband 'Nutrition' Labels
2024-2Q: [CRM] Show Open Tickets
2024-2Q: [CRM] Customer Notes Page / Dashboard
2024-2Q: [MAINT] Maintenance 'Show / Hide' Search Filter
2024-1Q: [Billing] US Payments IVR
2024-1Q: [CRM] 'Select All' for Multiple Selection search drop-downs
2024-1Q: [EUP] EUP App - Progressive Web App
2024-1Q: [MAINT] Search 'Installation Date' - Maintenance Page
2024-1Q: [CRM] Search Mode for Custom Fields
2024-1Q: [DASH] Additional Status to 'This Month Status Change' - Dashboard
2024-1Q: [CRM] Subscription Performance Updates
2024-1Q: [CRM] New Search options added to Customer Search Page
2024-1Q: [CRM] Including images in HTML Mass mails and Email Templates
2023-4Q: Filter 'Status change' Date on Maintenance Page
2023-4Q: [REPT] Export Master Portal Users
2023-4Q: [CRM] Automatic Reconnection Fees for additional Customer Statuses
2023-4Q: [CRM] Signing Quotes Feature
2023-4Q: [CRM] SMS Template for Mass SMS
2023-4Q: [REPT] Revenue per site Reports
2023-4Q: [ACCS] Credit Description Nominals
2023-4Q: [DASH] ARPU and Revenue
2023-4Q: [CRM] Preview email template
2023-3Q: [CRM] Package Custom Field
2023-3Q:[CRM] Cronjob: Trigger: Radius Username Change
2023-3Q: [CRM] Cronjob: Auto Customer Status Change
2023-3Q: [ACCS] Aged Debtor Report - Filter by Status
2023-3Q: [CRM] User's Page & logins
2023-3Q:[CRM] Refer-a-Friend Feature
2023-3Q: [CRM] Custom Fields: User Rights
2023-3Q: [SAND] SAND Notification 1 and 2 off / Auto-pay Group
2023-3Q: [CRM] 1-Click unsubscribe to marketing emails
2023-3Q: [CRM] Master / Sub accounts - Plume
2023-2Q: [MAINT] Mass mail / SMS from Maintenance Page
2023-Q2: [REPT] BDC (Broadband Data Collection) Reports
2023-2Q: [CRM] Customer Custom Tables: Import Data Option
2023-2Q: [CRM] Send Email with Video Link to Customer
2023-1Q: [CRM] Show Last Ticket Update on Maintenance Page
2023-2Q: [MAP] Google Map - Maintenance Ticket Subtype
2023-1Q: [REPT] Voice Call Report
2023-1Q: [CRM] Voice Contracts
2023-1Q: [REPT] Email Report Now
2023-1Q: [CRM] Maintenance Tickets - Search by Custom Fields
2022-4Q: [CRM] QR code on Invoice
2022-4Q: [CRM] Service Location Flag
2022-4Q: [CRM] Auto Add Credit Days when Reconnecting Post Accounts
2022-4Q: [MAP] View Customers based on Site
2022-4Q: [REPT] SIMPLer Reporting Tool
2022-3Q: GUI - Customer details Auto-Reload
2022-3Q: [API] Customer Type Aliases
2022-3Q [CRM] Maintenance Tickets - Select multiple users from dropdown 'Remind User'
2022-3Q: [SAND] First Invoice Notice (Email and SMS)
2022-3Q: [ACC] Lodgement Search Option
2022-3Q: [SAND] Invoice Due Date Calculation: SAND Deferred Customers
2022-3Q: [ACC] Tie API User to Payment Type (USPayment)
2022-3Q: [REPT] FCC - Form 477 / BDC Report addition
2022-2Q: [EUP] Authorize.Net - EUP Auto Payment update
2022-2Q: [EUP] End User Portal payment notifications
2022-2Q: [INST] Maintenance Tickets - Unassigned Tickets
2022-2Q: [CRM] Search for Customers with no Sub Status
2022-2Q: [CRM] Mass Emails – defaults set
2022-2Q: [INST] Only show Maintenance Tickets owned by user
2022-2Q: [ACCS] Sales (nominal account detailed) report additions
2022-2Q: [REPT] Customers - by Invoicing Date Report updates
2022-2Q: [ACCS] Bulk downloading Invoices by timeframe
2022-2Q: [CRM] History for Equipment from customer account
2022-2Q: [ACCS] Addition of columns to Transaction Log Report
2022-1Q: [CRM] Clickatell Auto Response Addition
2022-1Q: [REPT] Daily Customer Count Report
2022-1Q: [CRM] Email Template for Email Trigger
2022-1Q: [REPT] Customers - Moved to Status Today
2022-1Q: [REPT] Free Service Customers Report
2022-1Q: [API] Integration: Plume
2022-1Q: [ACCS] First Payments Report
2022-1Q: [ACCS] Email Template for Failed E-check / Direct Debit Payments (Authorize.Net)
2022-1Q: [REPT] Ticket Repeat Offenders – Update
2022-1Q: [CRM] Last 5 Sent Electronic Document Log
2022-1Q: [ACCS] Aged Debtor Report - additional options for automatic report
2022-1Q: [ACCS] Invoice PDF Queue Option
2022-1Q: [EUP] Automatic "End User Portal" activation - additional options
2022-1Q: [INST] Manual Entry of Installation Date
2022-1Q: [MAP] Google Map default view
2022-1Q: [CRM] Customer Age and SAND Trigger Count
2022-1Q: [CRM] Customer Group priority
2022-1Q: [ACCS] Custom Invoice from Maintenance Ticket
2022-1Q: [REPT] Customer Spreadsheet Report
2022-1Q: [EUP] Electronic Document Dynamic fields EUP
2022-1Q: [ACCS] Cronjob: Generating custom documents from existing invoices
2022-1Q: [CRM] Clickatell – Opt-In / Out
2021-4Q: [CRM] Email Customers - updated options
2021-4Q: [EUP] Show oldest unpaid invoice first
2021-4Q: [CRM] Generate link to Electronic Document
2021-4Q: [CRM] Automatic email when maintenance ticket changed to waiting for customer
2021-4Q: [CRM] Cronjob – Export Customer Spreadsheet
2021-4Q: [REPT] Sales Metric Report
2021-4Q: [ACCS] Auto Apply Credits to Custom Invoice
2021-4Q: [CRM] Display Linked Site and Equipment Tickets on Customer Account
2021-4Q: [MAP] Google Map - Toggle Points of Interest on or off
2021-4Q: [RAD] Radius database - custom database port
2021-3Q: [CRM] Mandatory Customer Phone Number
2021-3Q: [ACCS] Allow / Disallow the modification of Invoice numbers
2021-3Q: [CRM] Automated Emails - 1 week and 1 year after install
2021-3Q: [CRM] Normalize Customer Phone - Separator
2021-3Q: [CRM] Dashboard Detailed View
2021-3Q: [ACCS] Projected Overage Report & Turn ON/OFF Overage Subscription
2021-3Q: [CRM] Maintenance Tickets - Customer Routing Options
2021-3Q: [INST] Hide Installer
2021-3Q: [MAP] Google Map - Installer & Installation Date
2021-3Q: [MAP] Google Map - Maintenance Tickets
2021-3Q: [CRM] Default EUP Visibility for Maintenance Tickets
2021-3Q: [ACCS] - Configure Declines
2021-3Q: [SAND] Additional Invoice SAND Notifications
2021-3Q: [ACCS] Aged Debtor Report - Custom Periods
2021-3Q: [CRM] Community Code tied to an Installer
2021-3Q: [RAD] TTL – Delete RADIUS Username
2021-3Q: [ACCS] Password PDF Protection
2021-3Q: [MAP] TowerCoverage link to Master Map
2021-3Q: [CRM] SIMPLer GPS Coordinates on Customer Details page
2021-3Q: [CRM] Display customers by status
2021-3Q: [CRM] Send Mass SMS - filter from Customer search page
2021-3Q: [ACCS] Date format for US operators
2021-3Q: [CRM] Sort Order - Customer Statuses
2021-2Q: [ACCS] Enabling Authorize.Net E-check / Direct Debit Auto Failures
2021-2Q: [CRM] Hotspot Token Expiry Notification
2021-2Q: [CRM] Alianza API integration
2021-2Q: [ACCS] New Customer - Defer Auto Payment On Activation
2021-2Q: [REPT] Top 20 Usage including Gateway Details
2021-2Q: [ACCS] Duplication Alert when attempting to add a Duplicate Payment
2021-2Q: [ACCS] Adding a Manual Refund
2021:-2Q: [MAP] Adding a link to a .kml file on Map
2021-2Q: [ACCS] Compliance Solutions
2021-1Q: [CRM] Mass SMS Customers with a Minimum Outstanding Balance
2021-1Q: [ACCS] Auto-assigning Groups from Subscriptions
2021-1Q: [INVT] New Equipment Default Type
2021-1Q: [ACCS] Prorating a First Invoice using a Predefined Invoicing Day
2021-1Q: [SAND] Customers able to request receiving Daily Cap Email
2020-4Q: [ACCS] Refunding a Prepayment
2020-4Q: [CRM] Copying a Quotation to a new Quotation
2020-4Q: [APP] Deleting equipment from the Mobile App / Updating a CPE
2020-4Q: [CRM] Include Email sent to Customer from a Maintenance Ticket in Resolution
2020-4Q: [CRM] Automatic Post Date in the Future
2020-4Q: [ACCS] Refund an Invoice with a Future Date
2020-3Q: Provisioning equipment before installation
2020-3Q: Ability to show Ticket Types on the EUP
2020-3Q: [EUP] Change Default Username
2020-3Q: Paperless SEPA Direct Debit Mandate
2020-3Q: Ability to assign current Nominal Codes to Bad Debt and Credit Notes
2020-3Q: Reports - Ticket Repeat Offenders
2020-3Q: Limit the Number of Tickets created on the EUP
2020-3Q: Sales Team Member Notified of Tickets Created under their Customers’ Accounts
2020-3Q: Show or Hide Payment Types on the EUP
2020-3Q: Ability to Define Custom County List
2020-3Q: [NWK] Network: IPv6 Delegated Prefix Support
2020-3Q: Lorex Marketing Integration
2020-2Q: Ability to Email Customer from a Maintenance Ticket
2020-2Q: Mass Mailing an Account that is both a Master and Sub Account
2020-2Q: Ability to Search for Maintenance Tickets in Last Number of Days
2020-2Q: Google Calendar Location Settings
2020-2Q: Processing Bank Statements
2020-2Q: Bucket Updates - Separate Throttled up and down rates
2020-2Q: Aged Debtor Mass Email
2020-2Q: Auto Reports File Format
2020-2Q: Blank Default Ticket Type
2020-2Q: Reports: Ability to show Invoice Type
2020-2Q: Disable Automatic Invoice Emails sent to Operators
2020-2Q: Form 477 - Fixed Voice and Product Subscription (fvs & fbs)
2020-1Q: Daily Usage Allowance
2020-1Q: AutoTax per Subscription
2020-1Q: Invoice Aggregate Taxes
2020-1Q: EUP Signature Collection
2020-1Q: SIMPLer Customer Visit Notification SMS
2020-1Q: BILLING: List Pending Subscription under Customer Details page
2020-1Q: Hotspot: Master/Slave Product
2020-1Q: Identify Nominals in use
2020-1Q: Billing: Additional Automatic Invoicing States
2020-1Q: EUP: Download Statement
2020-1Q: SIMPLer: Aged Debtor Periods
2020-1Q: Ability to Control Email Notification Options for Maintenance Tickets
2019-4Q: [NWK] Network Health Monitor Updates
2019-4Q: Cronjob - Hotspot: Turn off used up customer accounts
2019-4Q: Customer Spreadsheet - Hotspot sheet
2019-4Q: Hotspot: Customer Search - hotspot username option
2019-4Q: API Integration: Zhone - Connect ACS
2019-4Q: Cancel Customer Subscription
2019-4Q: SIMPLer: Default Payment Type - Blank
2019-4Q: Send Emails on Trigger
2019-4Q: Calix API Integration
2019-4Q: SIMPLer: Subscription Custom Fields
2019-4Q: SIMPLer: Carry Over Unused Allowance - Max Data Allowance
2019-4Q: SIMPLer: Generate Invoice PDF from API
2019-4Q: SIMPLer: Filter Invoices by Groups
2019-4Q: SIMPLer: End User Portal Display Available Products
2019-3Q: SIMPLer: Weekly Throttling
2019-3Q: SIMPLer: Restart Subscription Every Year
2019-3Q: SIMPLer: Delete Lodgement => Delete Prepayments
2019-3Q: SIMPLer: Custom Invoice - Defer SAND option
2019-3Q: Reports: Ticket Number By Suptype
2019-3Q: Methods to create Credit Notes
2019-3Q: AutoTax: Regexp Matching Mode
2019-3Q: SIMPLer: Email Customers - select email receivers
2019-3Q: SIMPLer: Autotax - TAX Level
2019-3Q: SIMPLer: View Customer Status Change History
2019-3Q: Cronjob - Network Health Monitoring Trigger (Baicells/Zhone)
2019-3Q: Map: Maintenance Category
2019-3Q: GDPR: Custom TTL Conditions /Triggers
2019-3Q: SIMPLer: New Activated Customer - SAND Defer Date
2019-2Q: SIMPLer: Subscription Consolidation On Invoice
2019-2Q: SIMPLer: Franchise Tax (On Top of Invoice)
2019-2Q: SIMPLer: Custom Site Tables
2019-2Q: SIMPLer: Hide non-current subaccounts
2019-2Q: SIMPLer: Maintenance Subtype Mandatory
2019-2Q: Mobile App Maintenance Type and Subtype Search
2019-2Q: SIMPLer Mobile App: Equipment Scanning
2019-2Q: Reports: TAX breakup per invoice
2019-2Q: SIMPLer: Custom Fields Notification
2019-2Q: Billing: Support for DataMatrix Barcodes on invoices
2019-2Q: SIMPLer: Operator defined Maintenance States
2019-2Q: SIMPLer: Multi Subscription Select
2019-2Q: SIMPLer: Address Lookup - Loqate Integration
2019-2Q: CRM: Maintenance Types Customise Default Title
2019-2Q: SIMPLer: Subscriptions Report
2019-2Q: SIMPLer: Financial Totals - Multiple Groups, Sites, customer tracking "reverse" option
2019-2Q: Baicells: Update Equipment IP addresses dynamically from EPC
2019-2Q: Hotspot: Token Spreadsheet - additional columns
2019-2Q: SIMPLer: Invoicing Frequency Change
2019-1Q: Hotspot: Customer Details - Token Management Page updates
2019-1Q: Hotspot: Customer Details - Additional Token details
2019-1Q: Installer tracking Check-IN/Check-OUT mobile app
2019-1Q: SAND: Carry Over Unused Monthly Allowance
2019-1Q: Restricted Simpler IP logins Security Feature
2019-1Q: Equipment Health Summary
2018-4Q: Auto-populate address from Eircode
2018-4Q: WithHolding Tax support
2018-3Q: Electronic documents Dynamic field Customisation
2018 3Q: [NWK]Network: GenieACS and Fritz!Box support
2018-3Q: CRM: Maintenance Types Customise Default Description
2018-2Q: Billing: Upgrade Subscription - Add to Next Invoice Date
2018-1Q: SIMPLer: Embedding SpeedTest in EUP (End User Portal)
2018-1Q: Maintenance: Auto-Priority change
2017-4Q: Billing: Invoice to Date for EFT Payments
2017-4Q: SIMPLer: Subject Access Request
2017-4Q: SIMPLer: Time to Live Configuration
2017-4Q: EUP: Custom external pages
2017-4Q: SIMPLer: Update WIB Files Alerts
2017-4Q: SAND: Send SMS Notification
2017-3Q: Rejected Payments Auto-Processing
2017-3Q: SIMPLer: Import Template
2017-2Q: SIMPLer: Default Phone Type
2017-2Q: Billing: Auto Payment Delay
2017-2Q: SAND: Bcc disconnections/throttling only
2017-2Q: SIMPLer: Multiple Tracking Definitions
2017-2Q: SIMPLer: Copy Billing Address
2017-2Q: SIMPLer: Link to Customer from Ticket
2017 2Q: Network: rncontrol API support
2017-2Q: EUP: Send EUP Login Details Automatically
2017-2Q: Billing: Under EFT Period
2017-2Q: SIMPLer: Enhancements to Last 5 Notes
2017-2Q: SIMPLer: Different invoice email templates
2017-1Q: SIMPLer: Triggered Callback - SIMPLer API
2017-1Q: MasterPortal: Reports
2017-1Q: Billing: Generate Multiple Bad Debt Notes
2017-1Q: SIMPLer: Daily Throttling
2017-1Q: SIMPLer: Network Scan - Update site based on NAS IP
2017-1Q: Billing: Post/Email "Zero Amount" invoices options
2017-1Q: MasterPortal: Landing Page
2017-1Q: SIMPLer: Maintenance Ticket Type Email Routing
2017-1Q: Network: Auto-append RADIUS username suffix
2017-1Q: MasterPortal: View "My tickets" / "My group tickets""
2017-1Q: SIMPLer: Tie ticket type with user group
2017-1Q: SIMPLer: Tie Ownership with User ID
2017-1Q: SIMPLer: Form 477 - Common advertised speed for Fixed BroadBand Subscription
2016-4Q: Custom Fields Available for General Details Section
2016-4Q: Network: Default Gateway
2016-4Q: SIMPLer: Emailing Maintenance Ticket to Customers
2016-4Q: EUP: Delete Bank Account Option
2016-4Q: Recent Invoice Batches
2016-4Q: SIMPLer: Auto Email Reports
2016-4Q: SIMPLer: Ability to Customize Reasons for Custom Credits
2016-4Q: SIMPLer: Ability to Customize Customer Status
2016-3Q: SIMPLer: Ability to Customize Customer Types
2016-3Q: SIMPLer: EUP Bank Restriction Options
2016-3Q: EUP: Hide county and country
2016-3Q: CRM: HTML option for emails
2016-3Q: Network: New Equipment Report
2016-Q3: CRM: Email with post customers excluding SAND
2016-3Q: CRM: Default county, state or country when adding a new customer
2016-2Q: SIMPLer: Network Scan - Update Frequency / Colour (SSID))
2016-2Q: EUP: Option to Update End User Portal Tickets
2016-2Q: CRM: Default Ticket Type
2016-2Q: Network: IPv6 Support
2016-2Q:CRM: Auto Close tickets waiting for customer
2016-2Q: Billing: Invoice Due Date Offset
2016-1Q: CRM: Maintenance Types Customization
2016-1Q: CRM: Address Verification
2016-1Q: Network: Equipment Customization
2016-1Q: CRM: Email To Link on Maintenance Tickets
2016-1Q: Reports: Customers By Invoicing Date
2016-1Q: EUP: Disable Individual EUP Account
2016-1Q: CRM: Subscription Search - Include Inactive
2016-1Q: Reports: Customers: Last Modification
2016-1Q: PROVISIONING: Provision Now Support for Cambium ePMP1000
2015-4Q: CRM: Show Customer List Button for Mass Email
2015-4Q: Map: Show Customer Search Results
2015-4Q: Billing: Primary/Secondary Options for Subscription Override
2015-4Q: CRM: Rich text for notes field
2015-4Q: Network: Equipment Vendor Settings
2015-4Q: CRM: Show all sites on PTP Analysis Page
2015-4Q: Billing: CAP calculations for negative amount subscriptions
2015-4Q: Billing: Subscribtion items with 0 quantity
2015-4Q: Network: Reboot Equipment from Customer Details
2015-4Q: Billing: Every [N] Invoices behaviour
2015-3Q: CRM: Customer search options by Sales Team
2015-3Q: FTP Attachments - Library
2015-3Q: Maintenance: Saved Searches
2015-3Q: EUP: Ability to turn OFF Auto-Payment in EUP
2015-3Q: EUP: End User Portal Terms & Conditions - Timestamp
2015-3Q: CRM: Community Codes editable table
2015-3Q: Billing: SEPA Lodgement date options
2015-3Q: Billing: Nominal Codes
2015-3Q: Billing: Invoice Batch Generation Limit
2015-3Q: Billing: Running Balance for Financials
2015-3Q: CRM: Ticketing Enhancements
2015-3Q: Network: Assigned Site - Tree Option Search
2015-3Q: CRM: Enhancements to Mass Email Feature
2015-3Q: NETWORK: Usage / Overage Report - Customer Status search option
2015-3Q: BILLING: Fixed TAX Fees
2015-2Q: CRM: Vacation Customers in SIMPLer
2015-2Q: SIMPLer: Customer Search Options
2015-2Q: Billing: Download Next Invoices
2015-2Q: SIMPLer: Enhancements to Templates
2015-2Q: Billing: Early/Late Invoice Generation per WISP/Group/Customer
2015-2Q: SIMPLer: Usage/Overage Report Enhancements
2015-1Q: SIMPLer: Customer Address Details Settings
2015-1Q: SIMPLer: Report Open Transactions Only
2015-1Q: Form 477 - Fixed Broadband Deployment based on the antenna approximate coverage
2015-1Q: Triggered based interface for remote APIs
2012-4Q (v002): SIMPLer: Reset Usage for specified time period
2014-4Q: SAND: Usage Exemption CAP
2014-4Q: Billing: Salesman Details Columns option for Spreedsheets
2014-4Q: Maintenance: Ticket Recipients
2014-4Q: RADIUS: Auto-Buckets: Change 'current' group from cronjob
2014-4Q (v002): SIMPLer: External Tax Calculators support
2014-4Q (v003): SIMPLer: Customer Visit Notification
2014-4Q (v001): SIMPLer: Form 477 - Date Used
2014-4Q (v001): Network: Throttling Data Exemption
2014-4Q (v001): Billing: Totals & ADR based on the billing period date
2014-3Q: EUP: Auto Payment Message Customization
2014-3Q: Billing: Sales & Overage Report
2014-3Q: Billing: Bank-all on totals reports
2014-3Q: Network: Site Access GPS Coordinates
2014-3Q: SIMPLer: Sidebar on Customer details page
2014-3Q: EUP: End User Portal Updates
2014-3Q (v001) : SIMPLer: Form 477 Updates
2014-3Q (v001): Enhancements to Customer Grouping
2014-3Q (v001): SIMPLer: View Customers by Network Status
2014-3Q (v002): EUP: Data Purchase Email
2014-3Q (v001): EUP: Show Usage Pie Chart Option
2014-2Q (v004): SIMPLer: Voucher Payments via mySIMPLer
2014-2Q (v001): SIMPLer: Marketing Code Definitions
2014-2Q (v002): SIMPLer: GPS Format
2014-1Q: Network: Activate CPE IP
2014-1Q: SIMPLer: Auto-Provision section re-label
2014-1Q: (v002): NETWORK: CPE IP address dynamically updated from RADIUS sessions
2014-1Q: (v001): Support for TowerCoverage
2014-1Q: (v001): EUP: Enable Auto-Payment Checkbox
2014-1Q: (v001): SAND: Display SAND Status on Subscriber Record
2014-1Q: (v002): SIMPLer: Automated Daily Reports
2018-2Q (v004): CRM: Send SMS (Clickatell, Twilio and Zingle)
2014-1Q (v002): EUP: Payment/Credit Receipt
2014-1Q: Network: Support for Netflow Export
2014-1Q: Billing: Taxed Amount Report
2013-4Q (v001): Billing: Refunds via Payment Gateway
2013-4Q (v001): SAND: Product based Time of Day Usage Exemption
2013-4Q (v002): RADIUS: Synchronise Radius Groups from Buckets - 'Default Group' Options
2013-4Q (v002): Billing: "Generate Invoice" button
2013-4Q (v002): Billing: Send email when subscriber signs up for Auto Pay
2013-4Q (v002): Billing: Upgrade Customer Subscription
2013-3Q (v001): SAND: Clear Negative Overage Top-ups Option
2013-4Q: Billing: Dedicated IBAN field
2013-4Q (v001): EUP: Custom Payment section - display options
2013-3Q: Network: Clear CPE colours not assigned to basestations
2013-3Q: (v002) RADIUS: Generate DEFAULT Password option for new RADIUS usernames
2013-3Q: RADIUS: Delete IP details from RADIUS when disconnecting customer
2013-3Q: (v001): Billing: Defer Customer Auto Payment
2013-3Q: EUP - Payment Transactions Log
2013-3Q: (v001): Billing: CC/E-check Transactions Log in SIMPLer
2013-2Q: (v001): MAP: Opened Maintenance Tickets
2013-2Q: (v001): RADIUS: Service Log
2013-2Q: (v002): BIlling: Custom Invoice Product Tax Used Option
2013-2Q (v002): Send invoices of send method "send via post" to an external FTP server
2013-2Q (v002): Subscriptions: Active / Retired
2013-2Q (v002): Network / RADIUS: Auto Radius Groups (from Traffic Shaping Buckets)
2013-2Q: (v002): SIMPLer: Manage Maintenance
2013-2Q: (v002): Billing: Auto-Payment Processing Day
2013-2Q: (v003): SAND: Divide Subscription Allowance by Customer Frequency
2013-2Q: Customer Details Page: Updates to Radius Details section
2013-2Q (v002): Customer Subscription - Sort Priority
2013-2Q (v003): Billing: Information of Credit Card / EFT account used to make a payment
2013-2Q (v003): EUP: Customer Payment Confirmation
2013-1Q (v003): SIMPLer: Sub-Accounts
2013-1Q (v002): Network: Assign To Site and Equipment Status Change Dates
2013-1Q (v002): Billing: Direct Debit / EFT Fail Charges
2013-1Q (v100): Billing: Invoice - show only payments before actual invoice date
2013-1Q (v002): SIMPLer: Customer Custom Tables
2013-1Q (v002): RADIUS: Buckets Summary Graph
2013-1Q (v001): SIMPLer: Customer Email Integration
2013-1Q (v002): RADIUS: Customer account links on management pages
2013-1Q (v100): Dynamic Product Price on Customer Account
2012-4Q (v001): User Rights Documentation
2012-Q4 (v002): Customer Spreadsheet Download for Search Results
2012-4Q (v002): SIMPLer: Global Usage / Overage Report
2012-4Q (v002): SIMPLer: Products Spreadsheet Download
2012-4Q (v002): Network: Customer CPE Modify: Site / Basestation (colour) improvements
2012-4Q (v002): Network: Close Stalled Sessions
2012-4Q (v002): Billing: Send Customer Invoice Receipt
2012-4Q (v002): Billing: Send Receipt upon payment
2012-4Q (v002): SIMPLer: User Rights Templates Enhancements
2012-4Q: SAND: Do not set 'valid from' date on overage topup subscription
2012-4Q (v002): Billing: Ability to save payment on account when invoice is credited out.
2012-4Q (v002): SIMPLer: Reset Usage for specified time period
2012-4Q (v002): EUP: Hide customer defined password in email being sent out to the customer
2012-4Q (v002): NETH: Customer CPE - send alert email on communication issues
2012-3Q (v002): Billing: "Today" button on Totals page
2012-3Q (v002): Billing / Network: Auto Traffic Shaping Buckets (from Subscription Products)
2012-3Q (v002): Billing: Ability to fail prepayments
2012-3Q (v002): SAND: Limit Traffic Emails amount
2012-3Q (v002): SIMPLer: Auto-Close Maintenance Tickets On Customer Status "survey failed"
2012-3Q (v002): Network: Network Scan - Ability to exclude equipment from scan
2012-3Q (v002): SIMPLer: Adjustable NHM parameters
2012-3Q (v002): Billing: Receive Payment - Cumulative Receipt
2012-3Q (v002): Billing: Receive Payment - process in background
2012-3Q (v002): SIMPLer: Dynamic Values for Mass Mail
2012-3Q (v002): SIMPLer: Ability to copy invoice positions
2012-3Q (v002): SIMPLer: Customer Tunnel Details
2012-3Q (v002): SIMPLer: Default Distributor / Value Added Reseller
2012-3Q (v002): SIMPLer: New Sub-menu
2012-3Q (v002): Billing: Prepayment Receipts
2012-3Q (v002): Inventory: "Convert to Basestation" button
2012-3Q (v002): SIMPLer: Customer Statement Template
2012-3Q (v002): Inventory: New Status - decommissioned
2012-3Q (v002): Hotspot: Ability to use hotspot product once per day.
2012-3Q (v002): Network: Reboot WIB-C from SIMPLer
2012-3Q (v002): SAND: Overage T&C Agreement Page
2012-3Q (v002): Billing: Enhanced Totals Reports - Site Financial Report
2012-3Q (v002): SIMPLer: Maintenance Ticket Attachments
2012-3Q (v002): Billing: Enhanced Totals Reports - Salesman Filters
2012-3Q (v002): Mikrotik - Simultaneous Access
2012-2Q (v002): Download Customers MailLog option
2012-2Q (v002): SIMPLer: Ability to add extension to phone number
2012-2Q (v002): Billing: SAND - Lodgement Failure
2012-2Q (v002): SIMPLer: Lodgement Processing Date User Right
2012-2Q (v002): Billing: Nominal Ledger Report
2012-2Q (v002): Billing: Enhanced Aged Debtor Reports
2012-2Q (v002): Billing: Enhanced Totals Reports
2012-2Q (v002): Billing: Cash Payment Report per SIMPLer user
2012-2Q (v002): SIMPLer: Gateway User Rights
2012-2Q (v002): SIMPLer: Send out maintenance ticket email
2012-2Q (v002): SIMPLer: Site costs user rights
2012-2Q (v002): SIMPLer: Sites/Equipment Custom Fields
2012-2Q (v002) - SIMPLer: Customer Bandwidth Usage Source
2012-2Q (v002) - SIMPLer: Currency Fraction Digits
2012-2Q (v002): Billing: Authorization Codes for CC/E-echeck transactions
2012-2Q (v002): Billing: Every [N] Invoices
2012-2Q (v002): SIMPLer: Check for duplicate IP addresses
2012-2Q (v002): SIMPLer: Customer Tracking Colour
2012-2Q (v002): SIMPLer: Google Contacts Integration
2012-2Q (v002): SIMPLer: User Password Enhancements
2012-2Q (v002): SIMPLer: Update All WIB Files
2012-2Q (v002): SIMPLer: Ability to overwrite title/body of Credit Card Expiry Notification E-mail
2012-2Q: EUP: CAP display options
2012-2Q (v002): SIMPLer: Auto-Payment - Send Receipt
2012-2Q (v002): SIMPLer: Lodgement Reference setup
2012-1Q Mikrotik: Contention Rates Implementation Guide
2012-1Q: SIMPLer Inventory Enhancement
2012-1Q: SIMPLer Maintenance Issue Search Engine
2012-1Q: SIMPLer Last 24 Hours Top 20 Usage
2012:-1Q: SIMPLer Form 477 Integration
2012-1Q: CORE: WIB Traffic Shaping Enhancements
2012-1Q: SIMPLer: Archive IP Usage Data
2012-1Q: Billing: Add credit under "Assign customer credit to the invoice" page
2012-1Q: SIMPLer: New Customer Equipment Graphs and NAT
2012-1Q: Sales Pipeline Definitions
2012-1Q: Request Tracker (RT) Integration
2012-1Q: Network: Fetch frequency, SSID/Colour from the basestation
2012-1Q: ADMIN: Update WIB files - Detailed History
2012-1Q: ADMIN: Sales Opportunity Type - Highlight attribute
2011-4Q: SIMPLer: User Rights template
2011-4Q: SIMPLer: Sales Tracking Guide
2011-4Q: SIMPLer: Consolidate Subscriptions
2011-4Q: Map: Google Earth – Coverage Checker Implementation
2011-4Q: Billing: Credit Card Auto - Payment Attempts
2011-3Q: SIMPLer: Session Disconnection (PoD) Interface
2011-3Q: SIMPLer: SAND more frequent execution
2011-3Q: SIMPLer: SAND Minimum Amount Owed
2011-3Q: SIMPLer: Minimum Stock Level for Install Crews
2011-3Q: SIMPLer: Default Customer Note
2011-3Q: SIMPLer: Custom maintenance types
2011-3Q: SIMPLer: Assigning Inventory to Install Crew
2011-3Q: SIMPLer and EUP: Customer Traffic Daily Usage listing interfaces
2011-3Q: BILLING: Import Non-EFT payments from CSV file
2011-2Q: SIMPLer: Installer Tracking Email
2011-2Q: SIMPLer: Automatic User Reminders
2011-2Q: SIMPLer: Automatic Reconnection Fee
2011-2Q: SIMPLer: Automatic Nickname Generation
2011-2Q: Provisioning: MIR/CIR Bandwidth Settings
2011-2Q: Maintenance Ownership
2011-1Q: SIMPLer: Weekly based SAND
2011-1Q: SIMPLer: Time of Day Data Usage Exemption
2011-1Q: SIMPLer: Periodic Network Scan
2011-1Q: SIMPLer: Network Interface Notification based on Interface Role
2011-1Q: SIMPLer: Failed Auto-Payment Subscriber Notifications
2011-1Q: SIMPLer: Customer GPS Update Too
2011-1Q: SIMPLer: Customer Attachments handling enhancements
2011-1Q: SIMPLer: Add Plan / Product Package
2011-1Q: Map: Google Earth Integration
2011-1Q: EUP: Disallow editing credit card details
2011-1Q: EUP: Bandwidth Purchase
2011-1Q: EFT processing - Consolidate Customer Payments for a bank account
2011-1Q: EFT processing - Allow minus amounts in EFT payments
2011-1Q: BILLING: Custom non-EFT payment
2010-4Q: SIMPLer: WIB static routing
2010-4Q: SIMPLer: Equipment page Enhancement
2010-4Q: SIMPLer: Multiple Phone Number per Contact
2010-4Q: SIMPLer: Landing Page
2010-4Q: SIMPLer: Individual Notes Fields
2010-4Q: SIMPLer: Import Interface
2010-4Q: SIMPLer: Customer Groups
2010-4Q: SIMPLer: Custom Fields in Customer Record
2010-4Q: SIMPLer: Change History
2010-4Q (v100): SIMPLer: Campaigns
2010-4Q: PROVISIONING: Set subnets and MAC address in Provision Now!
2010-4Q: BILLING: Prorated Invoices
2010-4Q: BILLING: Including Tax Breakup on Invoice
2010-4Q: BILLING: Including Credit Reason Text on Invoices
2010-4Q: BILLING: Group customers by "Customer Group" under EFT/non-EFT payment page
2010-3Q: SIMPLer: Radius Server Integration
2010-3Q: SIMPLer: Recently Viewed Customers List
2010-3Q: SIMPLer: Future Post Dates
2010-3Q: SIMPLer: Enhanced Site details and New search based on 'Assigned Site'
2010-3Q: SIMPLer: Default Search Customizable
2010-3Q: SIMPLer: Customer Throttling Through SAND
2010-3Q: SIMPLer: Customer Contacts Improvements
2010-3Q: SIMPLer: Customer Contact Form
2010-3Q: SIMPLer: Billing Issue Auto Creation / Closure (SAND)
2010-3Q: SIMPLer: Ability to preserve operator's map current view settings
2010-3Q: SIMPLer: Ability to defer SAND and exclude disconnection on specific days
2010-3Q: SIMPLer: Ability to Add Files to Customer Record
2010-3Q: PROVISIONING: Provision Now Support For Ubiquiti Nanostations
2010-3Q: PROVISIONING: Provision Now support for MikroTik routerboards
2010-3Q: PROVISIONING: Ability to define DNS servers on per WIB basis
2010-3Q: PROVISIONING: "Provision Now" support for Alvarion BreezeACCESS VL SU
2010-3Q: EUP: Ability to change customer's End User Portal username
2010-3Q: CORE: WIB groups - MultiHome support
2010-2Q: SIMPLer: Virtual WIBs
2010-2Q: SIMPLer: DHCP support for more than one WIB in parallel
2010-2Q: SIMPLer: Automatic Equipment Parent Associations
2010-2Q: STATs: Financial Report for Custom Payments
2010-2Q: SIMPLer: Temporary Internet Disconnect
2010-2Q: SIMPLer: Resend Invoice to the Customer
2010-2Q: SIMPLer: Multiple Credit Card (CC) and Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) accounts
2010-2Q: SIMPLer: Login Improvements
2010-2Q: SIMPLer: Enhanced Ability to Mass Notify Customers
2010-2Q: SIMPLer: Ability to Search for Customers by Site & Basestation
2010-2Q: SIMPLer: Ability to Search by Bank Details
2010-2Q: SIMPLer: Ability to overwrite purchase order number on Custom Invoice
2010-2Q: SIMPLer: Ability to enable / disable specific credit card type
2010-2Q: PROVISIONING: Customer and Equipment IPs on different WIBs
2010-2Q: PROVISIONING: Ability To Provide Notes When Provisioning
2010-2Q: EUP: Mandatory Check and Quick Update on Credit Card Fields
2010-2Q: CORE: Automatic TCP Dump
2010-2Q: CORE: Additional VLAN support
2010-2Q: BILLING: Invoice Data Usage and Allowance
2010-2Q: BILLING: Custom Credit Card Payment processing
2010-1Q: SIMPLer: Ability to auto-generate Equipment IP Address for a Specific Subnet
2010-1Q: SIMPLer: Product Nominal Accounts
2010-1Q: SIMPLer: Migrate Customer Account to another database
2010-1Q: SIMPLer: Invoice Based SAND Auto-Reconnect
2010-1Q: SIMPLer: Financial Database Lock
2010-1Q: PROVISIONING: Multiple Equipment per Subscriber Record
2010-1Q: BILLING: Product Description and Price Override feature
2010-1Q: BILLING: List Future Subscriptions under Customer Details page
2010-1Q: BILLING: Import Billing Feature - Batch uploading of Subscription Records into SIMPLer
2010-1Q: BILLING: Flexible Tax system
2010-1Q: BILLING: Direct Debit Processing
2010-1Q: BILLING: Bad Debt Management
2010-1Q: BILLING: Ability to define an "Invoicing ID" counter
2009-4Q: STATs: Report of Sales Revenue by Products
2009-4Q: STATs: Consolidated reports for MasterPortal
2009-4Q: PROVISIONING: Record the initial RSSI and Jitter data
2009-4Q: PROVISIONING: Installer Tracking Feature (ITF)
2009-4Q: NETH: Ability for SMS alerts to be sent to Multiple mobiles
2009-4Q: MAP: Operators Google Map integration
2009-4Q: EUP: Automatic "End User Portal" activation
2009-4Q: CORE: Custom DHCP Config files
2009-4Q: BILLING: Subscription/Product Enhancements + SAND Overage Billing
2009-4Q: BILLING: Invoice's to include statement details
2009-4Q: BILLING: Early Invoices Generation feature
2009-4Q: BILLING: E-check Payment Processing via EUP (End User Portal)
2009-4Q: BILLING: Ability to disable emailing of "Banking Information"