Bandwidth Management [BWM]
The optional WISP-In-a-Box (WIB) provides bandwidth management and traffic shaping capabilities. Customers can be grouped into buckets with pre-defined uplink and downlink speeds and contention ratios, with the WIB managing traffic to ensure that customers remain within their allocation. Peer-to-Peer traffic can also be restricted.
2012-4Q: SIMPLer: Global Usage / Overage Report
2012-4Q: SIMPLer: Reset Usage for specified time period
2012-3Q (v002): Billing / Network: Auto Traffic Shaping Buckets (from Subscription Products)
2012-1Q Mikrotik: Contention Rates Implementation Guide
2012-1Q: CORE: WIB Traffic Shaping Enhancements
2012-1Q: ADMIN: Update WIB files - Detailed History
2011-3Q: SIMPLer: Session Disconnection (PoD) Interface
2011-3Q: SIMPLer and EUP: Customer Traffic Daily Usage listing interfaces
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