Network Monitoring [NET]

SIMPLer monitors the health of the network, and identifies any equipment that is unreachable. When this happens, alerts can be sent via email and/or SMS, so that you’re notified of potential problems immediately. SIMPLer also provides usage graphs for individual customers and equipment, and many other diagnostic tools and statistics.

2015-3Q: Network: Assigned Site - Tree Option Search

2015-3Q: NETWORK: Usage / Overage Report - Customer Status search option

2014-4Q: Network: Throttling Data Exemption

2014-3Q: Network: Site Access GPS Coordinates

2014-1Q: Network: Activate CPE IP

2014-1Q: (v002): NETWORK: CPE IP address dynamically updated from RADIUS sessions

2014-1Q: Network: Support for Netflow Export

2013-3Q: Network: Clear CPE colours not assigned to basestations

2013-2Q (v002): Network / RADIUS: Auto Radius Groups (from Traffic Shaping Buckets)

2013-1Q: (v002) Network: Assign To Site and Equipment Status Change Dates

2012-4Q (v002): SIMPLer: Reset Usage for specified time period

2012-4Q (002): Network: Customer CPE Modify: Site / Basestation (colour) improvements

2012-4Q (002): Network: Close Stalled Sessions

2012-4Q: NETH: Customer CPE - send alert email on communication issues

2012-3Q (v002): SIMPLer: Adjustable NHM parameters

2012-3Q (v002): Billing / Network: Auto Traffic Shaping Buckets (from Subscription Products)

2012-3Q (v002): Network: Network Scan - Ability to exclude equipment from scan

2012-3Q: SIMPLer: Adjustable NHM parameters

2012-3Q (v002): Network: Reboot WIB-C from SIMPLer

2012-2Q (v002): SIMPLer: Customer Bandwidth Usage Source

2012-1Q: SIMPLer Maintenance Issue Search Engine

2012-1Q: Network: Fetch frequency, SSID/Colour from the basestation

2012-1Q: ADMIN: Update WIB files - Detailed History

2011-3Q: SIMPLer and EUP: Customer Traffic Daily Usage listing interfaces

2011-3Q: SIMPLer: Session Disconnection (PoD) Interface

2011-2Q: SIMPLer API

2011-1Q: SIMPLer: Periodic Network Scan

2011-1Q: SIMPLer: Network Interface Notification based on Interface Role

2010-4Q: SIMPLer: WIB static routing

2010-3Q: SIMPLer: Radius Server Integration

2010-3Q: SIMPLer: Enhanced Site details and New search based on 'Assigned Site'

2010-3Q: CORE: WIB groups - MultiHome support

2010-1Q: SIMPLer: Ability to auto-generate Equipment IP Address for a Specific Subnet

2010 1Q: SIMPLer: Email Notification to Alert when a Network Interface's available IP addresses are being depleted

2009-4Q: CORE: Custom DHCP Config files

2009-4Q: ADMIN: Remote Access for Operators