2015-1Q: Form 477 - Fixed Broadband Deployment based on the antenna approximate coverage

The Fixed Broadband Deployment part of the Form 477 has been improved to report all census blocks covered by an approximate antenna scope. The operator has an option now to define approximate basestation radius and antenna direction. Based on this information, the SIMPLer system generates a report for all census blocks covered.

Important: This is an approximate calculation, based on the information provided to SIMPLer.

To enable the new version of the Fixed Broadband Deployment report the first step is to go to the Form 477 section of the WISP Settings (Settings - Modify WISP) and set "Form 477 - Fixed Broadband Deployment" section to "Based on Approximate Coverage" (fig. 1)

Fig. 1 Form 477 - Fixed Broadband Deployment

It is also required that Operator fills in all of the Form 477 required information under each basestation that should be included into report. At the bottom of the "Modify Basestation" page (Network - Basestations) there are Form 477 related parameters that should be updated (fig. 2)

Fig. 2 Fixed Broadband Deployment Data under "Modify Basestation"

Once all of the data required to generate a report has been updated, the Operator can go to the Form 477 page (available under Dashboard -> Tools) and click the "Generate Form 477" button. Once the report is generated, the Operator can click on the "Download CSV" button of "Fixed Broadband Deployment" section to get the CSV file (fig. 3)

Fig. 3 Buttons to generate a report

Finally, the operator can submit this information to the FCC. Please note that this document covers the fixed broadband deployment file, but you must also upload the fixed broadband subscription file, described in more detail here.

Note: There are two filing periods for the 477, those are January - June. and July - December. It means that when you "generate" those files in SIMPLer any time from July 1st - December 31st they will be reporting data from January to June, and when generated from January 1st - June 30th it will be for July - December filing period.


1) Fixed Broadband Deployment

Column A: 15 digit census block code.

Column B: Provider's DBA Name. (Usually the company name)

Column C: Technology of Transmission. For example, the number 70 represents Terrestrial Fixed Wireless.

Column D: Consumer Flag: If "1" is entered in this field it means that this census block contains consumer/mass market broadband service.

Column E: Maximum Advertised Downstream Bandwidth (consumer): The maximum advertised downstream for consumers in this block.

Column F: Maximum Advertised Upstream Bandwidth (consumer): The maximum advertised upstream for consumers in this block.

Column G: Business/ Government: If "1" is set it means that business broadband is available in this block.

Column H: Maximum Contractual Downstream Bandwidth (business): The maximum advertised downstream for business in this block.

Column I: Maximum Contractual Upstream Bandwidth (business): The maximum advertised upstream for business in this block.

2) Fixed Broadband Subscription

Column A: 11 digit census tract code

Column B: Technology of Transmission. For example, the number 70 represents Terrestrial Fixed Wireless.

Column C: Advertised Downstream Bandwidth.

Column D: Advertised Upstream Bandwidth.

Column E: Connections: Number of connections in this census tract.

Column F: Consumer Connections: Number of connections in this census tract which are residential.

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