2012-1Q: ADMIN: Sales Opportunity Type - Highlight attribute

This functionality adds a tool to create two additional "All" groups of Sales Opportunity types:

    1. All (Highlighted) - this group will list under "sales items" page all opportunities where for the type used the "Highlighted" flag set to "on". It will also list all historic types - that were ommited in when re-defining the sales type definitions

    2. All (Not Highlighted)- this group will list under "sales items" page all opportunities where for the type used the "Highlighted" flag set to "off".

Note: "All" type will also remain in place - maintaining same functionality as before - listing All types regardless of the Highlighted flag setting

This feature can be set under "Settings" -> "Sales Opportunity Types" page

Feature takes effect under "customers" -> "sales items" page.

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