2014-1Q: (v002): NETWORK: CPE IP address dynamically updated from RADIUS sessions
A new feature has been added to SIMPLer to allow updating customer's CPE IP address from RADIUS sessions. This allows operators to deploy in RADIUS controlled environments, where customer CPE IP address in majority of cases is driven from a standalone DHCP server - therefore is dynamic and in many cases cannot be controlled by SIMPLer software.
Keeping customer equipment IP addresses up to date in RADIUS environments where DHCP is used to handle out equipment (customer) IP addresses is important for various reasons:
customer account should reflect the reality to maximize the efficiency of the SIMPLer platform and anyone using the system.
equipment graphs can only be polled properly when the CPE IP address is up to date.
monitoring can only be accurate if the equipment IP addresses are kept up to date.
The feature can be enabled from the 'Settings' -> 'Modify WISP' page. (See Fig. 1)
Fig.1 'Modify WISP' button
'Customer CPE - enable dynamic IP (RADIUS)' option under 'Customer CPE' section enables the feature. (See Fig. 2)
Fig.2 'Customer CPE' section of the 'Modify WISP' page
The dynamic IP update must be set under each customer account. As highlighted on the Fig. 3 - once everything is set the latest IP address from RADIUS sessions will be used to update the Customer Equipment IP address. To enable the feature for a customer - from 'Equipment Details Modify' page - a RADIUS username must be assigned to the equipment. This RADIUS account will be used to determine the latest IP address equipment can be found under.
Fig.3 'Equipment Details Modify' link under customer details page
There is an additional 'Dynamic IP Source' drop-down field available under 'Equipment Details Modify' page. This fields will list all customer RADIUS usernames. If nothing is selected - the feature is disabled. Once a username is selected - system will determine particular equipments IP address using latest accounting session reported for the selected username.
Fig.4 'Equipment Details Modify' page
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