2021-1Q: [CRM] Mass SMS Customers with a Minimum Outstanding Balance

A new feature has been added to enhance the Mass SMS feature.

An operator can make use of this feature when wanting to bulk SMS customers owing a balance that is equal to or over the amount specified

To make use of this feature:

1. Go to => Customer => Send Mass SMS

2. Make selections from the various boxes, e.g. Customer Status, Customer Type, etc.

3. Under “Customer Minimum Balance” enter the balance owing of the customers that you would like to send the mass SMS. This filter will be applied to customers owing the same or more than the amount specified.

In the example below any customer owing 500.00 or more will be included in this SMS list.

4. Type the SMS in the “Message” box and click “Prepare SMS”

Fig 1: Mass SMS Customers with a Minimum Outstanding Balance

Fig 2: SMS Preview

The following variables can be used in the SMS:





Published Date: 11-March-2021

Engineer: PD

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