2011-3Q: SIMPLer: Assigning Inventory to Install Crews
A new feature has been added that allows users to add equipment to the Warehouse (Site). In order to get access to the feature go to the site details, scroll down and click “Add Equipment to stock” button (fig. 3) at the bottom of the page of any site under Network Sites (fig. 1).
Fig. 1: Network - Sites
To access any of the site details pages, simply click on the link (i.e name or site ID) (Fig. 2).
Fig. 2: Accessing site details
Fig. 3. Add Equipment to stock
Simpler interface allows to select one of two upload options : “Bulk Upload to Text Area” and “Find single equipment” (Fig. 4).
Fig. 4. Select upload method
When first method is selected user can upload equipment by entering couple of equipment MAC addresses or Serial Numbers to the text area. MAC addresses or Serial Numbers must be separated by standard separator – whitespace, newline character, comma or by separator entered into separator field. After entering data into text area “Add To List” button should be clicked. SIMPLer will automatically search for equipment in database. If equipment is not found it will list non-recognized equipment below (fig 5).
Fig. 5. Bulk Upload to Text Area
Another option is “Find Single Equipment”. It allows to find an equipment by entering first characters of MAC address or Serial Number to ComboBox. If non-used equipment is available it will find it in combobox and can be added to the stock (fig. 6)
Fig. 6. Find Single Equipment
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