2015-4Q: Network: Reboot Equipment from Customer Details
For equipment where auto-provisioning is supported (such as Cambium / Canopy and Ubiquti), and SIMPLer has access to the equipment (e.g. SNMP write access for Cambium, telnet access for Ubiquti) the ability to reboot the equipment has been added to the customer details page in SIMPLer. A new "R" button will appear beside equipment which is supported - see Figure 1:
Figure: 1 - Reboot Equipment Button
A new user right has been added to control if the user is allowed to reboot equipment. This has been added to the "network" access rights, and by default is set to "enabled" for all users who have the network "access" right - this may be disabled per user as required:
Figure: 2 - Reboot Equipment Access Rights
Once the "R" button is pressed a confirmation page will be displayed after a few seconds indicating that a reboot command has been issued to the equipment, or else an error message will be displayed if the user does not have the required rights:
Figure: 3 - Confirmation Message
Figure: 4 - Error message for insufficient permissions
Note that in order for the reboot to be successful, the following conditions must be met:
The equipment type must be for one of the supported types (e.g. Cambium, Ubiquity, MikroTik) - the "R" button will only appear for these devices.
The user must have the "network" "access" and "reboot equipment" access rights enabled.
SIMPLer must be able to communicate with the equipment (i.e. routing must be in place between SIMPLer and the device) - in general if SIMPLer can gather statistics from the equipment then the necessary routing is in place.
SIMPLer must have the required access - e.g. SNMP write access for Cambium / Canopy, telnet access for Ubiquti, API access for MikroTik.