2016-3Q: CRM: Default county, state or country when adding a new customer

A new feature has been added which allows the operators to set a default county, state or country when adding a new customer ( Fig.2). To access this feature, hover over the "Settings" tab and choose "Modify WISP", the three option will be available under "SIMPLer Settings" sections.(Fig.1). By setting a county, state or country, the next time "Add New Customer" page is accessed the respective fields will be filled in.

Fig.1: Accessing the feature

Fig.2: Set default county, state or country

Note: The state field will only be visible when "address scheme" is set to US (Fig.3). The county field will be a dropdown list, only when the country field in "Name/address Details" section is set to Ireland, otherwise this field will be a textfield and a county will have to be manually typed in.

Fig.3: Address Options