2019-4Q: SIMPLer: Generate Invoice PDF from API

A new feature has been added that allows Operators to generate invoice PDF using API call. This is useful when external system polls invoice information from database and attaches some additional information to the invoice in form of custom fields.

To make use of this feature:

1. Under WISP settings set-up default "New Customer "Source Invoice PDF"

2. When setting up customer set the flag "Source Invoice PDF" to API call

3. Upon setting the above flag to "API call" every subsequent invoice that is generated for customer in SIMPLer will have PDF set to "non-ready" state. This state will not allow SIMPLer to send invoice out to customer or attach it to invoice batch. It will also enable flag DUMMY for invoice template. You need to adjust your invoice template to make use of DUMMY flag in the following way:


Invoice not yet ready!


... normal invoice HTML code


4. Successful calling API function "generateInvoicePdf" on an invoice will reset PDF state to "ready" and invoice will be sent to customer (if customer is set with flag "Email To customer"). You can also set "Batch Invoices" script (under Cronjobs page) that will run on regular basis and check if there are any "ready" PDFs to be included in the file and send out to you in a batch format. More information about "generateInvoicePdf" function can be found under SIMPLer API documentation:


Useful link to API


Published Date: [20191015]

Change History Log:

[20191015] pawel published

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