2014-4Q: Billing: Totals & ADR based on start of the billing period date

New feature has been added to the SIMPLer system that will let Operator to run their Totals Reports or Aged Debtor Reports based on the start date of the billing period. This should cover reporting requirements for Operators having prepaid service, ie. where invoice date may be a month before actual billing period.

To run a report based on the billing date simply change "Dafault Invoice Date" to "Start date of the billing period" of "Invoice Date Used" option under Totals Reports or Aged Debtor Reports (see figure below).

Fig. 1. "Date Used" field on the "Aged Debtor Report" page

Fig. 2. "Invoice Date Used" on the "Totals Reports" page

It can also be configured for the automated daily reports under WISP settings:

Fig. 3. "Invoice Date Used" field on the "Automatic Daily Reports" section of "WISP Settings" page

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