2017-1Q: Billing: Post/Email "Zero Amount" invoices options
A new feature has been added to operator settings (Settings - Modify WISP) per Fig. 1, that will allow to define whether 'zero' amount invoices should be sent out to the customer by email.
There are three options to choose from:
Yes - 'zero' amount invoice will be sent to customers (adhering to the usual Send Method)
No - 'zero' amount invoice will never be sent to customers
Only if at least one Subscription is not zero - - 'zero' amount invoice will be sent to customers (adhering to Send method) only if there is at least one none zero position on the invoice. In another words if all positions on invoice are 'zero' amount - it will not be sent, although if there are several positions that balance themselves to 'zero' the invoice will be sent.
Once the option is set per Fig. 2, please click "update WISP" at the top or bottom of the page.
Fig. 1: Settings - Modify WISP
Fig. 2: WISP Settings Option