2019-2Q: SIMPLer: Custom Fields Notification
A new feature has been added to allow Operator to send a notification based on the custom field. For example if a custom field is a date you can configure the notification to be send out X days before that date notifying about the customer ID and their date.
Example Application:
An Operator wishes to track contract details in SIMPLer. For example, details tracked include the start date, end date for the contract, contract length and notes.
This feature allows the Operator to get a reminder email e.g. three months in advance of the contract expiring. The sales team member is informed about that account and the expirary date allowing the sales team member time, to reach out to the end customer and setup a new contract period.
To make use of this feature:
Go to Settings -> Cronjobs
Fig. 1. Settings-> Cronjobs
Click "Add Blank Row" and from the list select "Custom Field Notifications"
Fig. 2. Custom Field Notification
There are two fields:
Email - insert email address to receive notification
Configuration - field to configure the notification
The configuration field accepts the following format:
<custom_field_id> - ID of the custom field (can be found under Settings -> Custom Fields)
<email_type> - name of email type to be configured under Settings -> Modify WISP -> Operator Emails section
<number_of_days> - number of days before the DATE if custom field is of type "date".
If DATE falls in into specified period the custom field with its customer ID will be included in the email
<notify_salesman> - this should be 0 or 1. If it is set to "1" and customer has a sales team member assigned,
then sales team member will also get the notification.
Example configuration:
eMail type under Modify WISP needs to be configured as follows:-> Operator Emails that matches the <email_type>
Available variables are:
%CUSTOM_FIELD_AVAILABILITY% - display name of custom field availability (customers, site, products etc)
%CUSTOM_FIELD_LABEL% - display name of custom field, eg "Expiration Date"
%QUERY RESULT% - see Fig. 5. below
%EMAIl_FOOTER% - operator email footer
Fig. 4. Set up email type
Fig. 5. Example of Email
Useful link to Operator Emails configuration
2013-2Q (v002): How to Change Default Email Text
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