2010-1Q: SIMPLer: Invoice Based SAND Auto-Reconnect

The invoice based SAND (Subscriber Auto Notification/Disconnection) system has been enhanced to automatically reconnect customers whose overdue invoices have been paid by EFT or Non-EFT methods.

Fig 1: Invoice Processing

Customers who have previously been disconnected by the invoice based SAND system will be automatically reconnected when the Operator lodges payments against all their outstanding invoices for which the "Invoice Date" is older than the period specified in the "SAND Invoice Disconnection Date" that is specified under the Settings - Modify WISP Section of SIMPLer.

Fig 2: Invoice Based SAND Settings

If any outstanding invoices remain for which the "Invoice Date" is older than the period specified in the "SAND Invoice Disconnection Date", then the customer will not be automatically reconnected. After the lodgement process is completed a summary page will be displayed showing a list of customer who were reconnect by the SAND system.

Fig 3: Reconnected Customers

Azotel | River House | Blackpool Park | Cork | Ireland

US +1-312-239-0680 | IE +353-21-234-8100 | UK +44-207-193-4170 | SA +27-11-083-6900