2021-3Q: [CRM] Automated Emails - 1 week and 1 year after install

A new feature has been added to enhance email functionality. It is possible to automatically send emails to customers one week / year after installation.

To make use of this feature:

1. Hover over "Settings" and click => Modify WISP

2. Add the new email type/s and define the email template

  • one_week_post_install

  • one_year_post_install

For more information on how to set up email templates please visit 2013-2Q (v002): How to Change Default Email Text

Fig 1: Email Templates

3. Click => Settings => Cronjobs

Add a blank row

Select "Email Customer" and enter the relevant fields as displayed below

Fig 2: Cronjob

Published Date: 20-October-2021

Engineer: PD

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