2021-2Q: [ACC] New Customer - Defer Auto Payment On Activation

A new feature has been added that allows an Operator to automatically defer auto payment on the first invoice for newly installed customers.

This only works for new customers going forward once you have added the setting

To make use of this feature:

1. Go to => Modify WISP

2. Scroll down to “New Customer - Defer Auto Payment On Activation”

3. Enter in the number of days after the customer start date (when a customer goes current for the first time) you wish auto payment to run

e.g. if you enter "15 days" and the customer gets activated on 01 May, auto payment will be deferred until 16 May

NOTE: You will need to enter "15 days" not just "15"

Fig 1: New Customer - Defer Auto Payment On Activation

Published Date: 24-May-2021

Engineer: PD

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