2019-3Q: Methods to create Credit Notes

We would like to highlight the different possibilities to create a credit note in SIMPLer. There are 3 ways this can be done and we will give further details for each.

The 3 ways are:

a ) Credit Invoice - credit out a FULL invoice

b) Custom Credits - add a credit to a customer account for any amount

c) Negative Invoice - typically used when a refund has to be done

To Credit an Invoice:

1. On the invoice line - section Last 5 Invoices - select E to Edit:

Select E to Edit

Fig 1. Invoice Line

2. Select Modify Invoice from the dark grey column left of the screen:

Modify Invoice

Fig 2. Modify Invoice

3. By default todays date will show when creating a credit note. However this can be changed using the calendar / date fields. When correct date is set, proceed to select the 'Credit' button.

Credit Button

Fig 3. Create a Credit

Create Custom Credits:

1. To create a custom credit there are two paths to achieve this.

a) On the customer account under the section Billing Details - Last 5 Credits. Select the 'all' link - see Fig 4a

Last 5 Credits

Fig 4a. Last 5 Credits

b) From the dark grey column left of the screen select 'Credits' - see Fig 4b

Invoicing Credits shortcut

Fig 4b. Credits

2. Select the 'Add' button on the next page

Add a Custom Credit

Fig 5. Add a Credit

3. A few fields to take into account when creating the credit: Date, Net Amount, Credit Total Amount (Tax incl.).

Note: If desired it is possible to overwrite the tax percentage - e.g. if no tax should be taken into account: set Tax Mode to 'Fixed' and VAT Rate to zero.

Create Custom Credit

Fig 6. Create Custom Credit

Create a Negative Invoice:

1. To create a Custom Invoice there are two paths to achieve this.

a) On the customer account under the section Billing Details - Quick Links. Select the 'Custom Invoice' button - see Fig 7a.

Quick Links Custom Invoice

Fig 7a. Custom Invoice - Quick Links

b) From the dark grey column left of the screen select 'Custom Invoice' - see Fig 7b

Custom Invoice

Fig 7.b Custom Invoice

2. On the next screen select date for custom invoice

Select Date

Fig 8. Date - General Invoice Settings

Further down the screen select the subscription customer has to reverse this. (Some operators create a 'Credit' product that can be selected from the dropdown menu).

Enter the price that need to be refunded. Note: the amount should be negative. Keep tax in mind.

Select button to 'Add Product'.

Select Product

Fig 9. Select Products

Scroll back up on the screen to verify if all looks as desired.

Proceed to 'Generate Invoice'

Generate Custom Invoice

Fig 10. Generate Invoice - General Invoice Settings

Back on the customer account under the Billing section > Last 5 Invoices - the negative invoice shows, as well as a link to Refund.

Negative Invoice refund option