2019-4Q: SIMPLer: End User Portal display available products

A new feature has been added to enhance the display of products on the EUP, It allows for an operator to set a product to be visible on the eup.

To make use of this feature:

1. Edit the product you wish to display on the EUP

2. Under Other Details change the option name "Display Product on EUP" to Yes, this product will now be displayed under the rates page on the EUP.

Fig 1.a Edit Product Page

3. It is also possible to group products that are displayed, example if you have VOIP products or LTE and want these grouped in a different table on the rates page, simply insert a "Product page Label", and any products with that same label will be grouped.

Note: if the product page lable is left blank the product will just display in the first table on the eup called Products.

Fig 2.a Image of some test products grouped

Published Date: [13/Nov/2019] by anthony

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