2016-3Q Eup-Hide county and country

A new option has been added to SIMPLer that allows the operators to hide county or country in End User Portal on "Edit Customer Information" page and "Add Credit Card" page. The two pages can be found by going into End User Portal, clicking on "Account" tab and selecting "Personal Information" option. The two option are called "Hide county option" and "Hide country option". They can be accessed by going to "Settings -> Modify WISP" (Fig.1) and looking under "End User Portal Settings" section.

Fig.1: Settings ->Modify WISP

To use the options simply choose "on" from the drop down list (Fig.2). Choosing "on" option will hide the desired field in "Edit Customer Information" page and "Add Credit Card" page. To get to those pages see Fig.3.

Fig.2: Options to hide county and country.

Fig.3: Accessing "Personal Information" section and the two pages