2019-2Q: SIMPLer: Auto Ticket

A new feature has been added to enhance the ticketing functionality. It allows for an operator to set up a cronjob to create a ticket automatically after certain number of days after customer installation date.

To make use of this feature:

1. Go to Settings -> Cronjobs

Fig 1. Settings -> Cronjobs

2. Click "Add Blank Row" and Select "Auto Ticket". There are three options to set:

- Ticket Type

- Ticket Subtype

- Delay Days (after installation date) tickets should be created (just type in number like '5')

Fig 2.a Auto Ticket Options

3. After configuring options click "Update Cronjobs" to save the changes.

Ticket Title, Description etc can be customized under Maintenance -> Ticket Types. See below links for further explanations





Published Date: 2019-04-08

Change History Log:

[pawel 20190408] public=shed

Contact Azotel Support:

Need more help? Save time by creating a maintenance ticket to Azotel through your instance.