2010-4Q: SIMPLer: Individual Notes Fields

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1 Overview

The main purpose of this feature was to give a possibility for adding new notes to a customer from the Customer Details page (using as for e.g. a "call logger"). It enables add/modify all notes (owned, not-owned) and delete a note with special right (User Rights: notes -> delete; see Figure 1).

Fig 1.

2 Individual Notes Fields

The last 5 notes are displayed on the Customer Details page. A note can be add using reference add.. on the same page. To view all notes which belong to the this customer use reference all.. (see Figure 2).

Fig 2.

If you click on reference add.. a pop-up window will appear (see Figure 3). Now you can fill in all fields and if you are ready click Add button.

Note: Remember only a Note field is mandatory.

Fig 3.

If you chose reference all.. to see all notes you will be redirected to other page where all notes from a customer are shown (see Figure 4). On this page you can add/modify all notes or delete notes (if you have the required right). If you click on one of the displayed notes a new pop-up window will appear to update selected note (see Figure 5).

Fig 4.


Azotel | River House | Blackpool Park | Cork | Ireland

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