2010-4Q: SIMPLer: Change History
Change History feature tracks what changes have been applied to various SIMPLer platform pages. Each history entry gives the details on who, at what time, and what details have been changed for the particular page of the SIMPLer platform. The history entries are added automatically each time the database is updated by the SIMPLer platform user.
Accesing Change History Details
There will be a “history..” link or “H” button present where the feature is available (see Figure 1).
Fig. 1. History link examples
Browse Change History
History page lists the details of changes made to database of SIMPLer platform. When brought up from the link, the search parameters on the history page will be preset to list the particular change details i.e. changes made to the customer account details from the “Modify Customer Details” page. Each history entry has following details:
Id – unique ID, automatically assigned when creating the entry
Date – date the change was made
User – SIMPLer platform user, that has made the change
Operation – operation code
Description – Description of the change made. Lists only values, that has changed
Key – unique value used to crossreference the history entry to an entry in the table, that was changed i.e Customer ID for “Modify Customer” operations
Fig. 2. “Search Engine” page
Note: Activity of a single user can be verified using the “User” searches
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