2011-4Q: SIMPLer: User Rights templates

Feature that provides a template schemes for Access Rights of SIMPLer User has been added to the system.

This feature has been developed to assist in setting up user rights while adding new USERs (or modifying existing) and ensure that all the "rights" are setup accordingly to the role. It allows to "copy" the rights from an existing users (that were marked as template users), when adding/modifying a new user. That should cut out a lot of hassle for larger Operators with many users. Feature also allows to override customer rights with template user access rights which will have a continous effect. In such case each change made to the template will have an immediate effect to all accounts that use 'Override User Rights with' option.

Note: Only users with "users->rights templates" can use this feature. With deployment of this feature this right has been granted to all users that held "modify other" right.

While setting up a new user or modifying a user in SIMPLer system operator can choose to pre-set the new account rights from a template using the 'Set Rights from Template' dropdown (see the screenshot below). This will populate the user rights accordingly to the rights set that can be found under the 'template' user account.

Template accounts can be marked in 'User Rights Template' section. Accounts marked with 'User Rights Template' will be available for use in the templates dropdown. Alternatively operator can choose to override the user ID (used as a template name by default) and set the template name to it's preference in the 'Template Name' field.

'Override User Rights with' option can be used to to override customer rights with access rights from template user. Each change made to the template user rights will have an immediate effect to all accounts that use this option. This option can be used to implement user right groups.

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