2016-4Q: SIMPLer: Emailing Maintenance Ticket to Customers

A new feature has been added to SIMPLer that allows Operators to email out the ticket details to multiple customers. There are two ways to define a list of customers who should receive the ticket details:

(1) Setting that up manually under "Maintenance -> Add Ticket" (or when updating a ticket) by selecting customers from "Customer Email Recipients" list. To select a customer, click on the customer in the Customer Email Recipients section. CTRL + click on customers to select multiple customers.

Fig. 1: Customer Email List

(2) Searching for a group of customers on the customers tab and then using "Email New Ticket to Customers" to pre-populate "Customer Email Recipient" list.

Fig. 2: Email New Ticket to Customers

Email subject & body can be customized by the Operator using "Operator Emails" section under global SPID settings (ie. Settings -> Modify SPID). Email type to be used is called "maintenance_email". To get more details on how to configure Operator Emails click on the below link:
