2011-2Q: SIMPLer: Automatic User Reminders
Note: Contact Azotel Support to enable this feature.
New feature has been added to the SIMPLer system that allows user to create reminders on customer accounts. Reminders will be added to the user inbox and will become active on the date reminder was created for.
In order to create a reminder, go to the customer details and click (add...) on “Last 5 Notes” table or go to the customer notes clicking (all..) link (Fig. 1).
Fig. 1. Customer Details -> Notes
Clicking on (add...) link or “Add Note” under customer notes (Fig. 2) opens pop-up box that allows user to create a customer note. There is an option to create reminder. In order to do this, check the box and select user name (user that will receive message) and date (activation date – date when a user receives a message) – see Fig. 3.
Fig. 2. Customer Notes -> “Add Note” button
Fig. 3. Creating reminder
Created reminder will show up in the user inbox on the day specified (Fig. 4).
Fig. 4. User's Inbox
To view the whole message click on the message or on the “D” link. In order to go to the details of the customer that message was created for click on the link showed on Fig. 5
Fig. 5. Message in Inbox
User can configure their account so they will be redirected to their inbox directly after logging into SIMPLer system. In order to do this select “settings” from the main menu and click on a user's account. On “Modify User” page select “User Inbox” from “Landing Page” dropdown list (Fig. 6).
Fig. 6. User's settings -> Landing Page