2011-4Q: SIMPLer: Sales Tracking Guide

1. Introduction

This guide explains the main functions of the Sales Tracking feature on SIMPLer and how it can be used to record all possible sales items and each sales action relating to those Sales Items.

The Sales Tracking feature on SIMPLer allows you to keep a record of each sales action that is associated with each Sales Item, which can be used as a historical reference. It can be used to record the deadline date and the closed date of each action and it can be used to assign a Sales Team member a particular action, which can then be sent to them daily in order to inform them of any outstanding tasks that need to be completed.

It also gives the Sales Team members independence to login to SIMPLer and update/modify existing Sales Actions, open/close sales actions and close Sales Items as the Items progress.

2. SIMPLer Sales Tracking Functionality for Operators

2.1 User setup for sales team members

1) In order to set-up a Sales Team member, they must first be given a user account on SIMPLer

2) Go to Settings -> Add a new User (Fig 2.1-1).

Fig 2.1-1 New User Setup on SIMPLer

3) Fill in all the appropriate details for the sales team member i.e. User ID, Mail, Password etc. Make sure to select “(3) User” as status. Do not press the "Add" button yet. The mail input should be the sales team member’s normal email address (see Fig 2.1-1.2).

Fig 2.1-1.2 User Details

4) Before adding the new User, press the “Clear All Rights” button, and select the rights for the sales team member as shown below, under the “Salesissues” and “Salestracking” headings.

Fig 2.1-2 User rights for Sales Team members

5) Once the Sales Team member user rights have been selected, press the “Add” button in order to create a new User account.

Fig 2.1-3 Adding User account to SIMPLer

2.2 Location of Sales Tracking Feature

1) In order to locate the Sales Tracking feature on SIMPLer, go to Customers -> Sales Tracking (Fig 2.2-1).

Fig 2.2-1. Sales Tracking

2) There are five options listed under the Sales Tracking heading, as shown above (Fig 2.2-1);

i. Sales Items

ii. Sales Actions

iii. Send Email

iv. Sales Team

v. Quotes

3) Under the Sales Items heading, a new Sales Item record may be created or all closed, open or waiting for customer Sales Items may be viewed along with their subsequent closed and open actions.

4) Under the Sales Action heading, a new Action may be created in relation to a given Sales Items, which is assigned to a particular Sales Team member and is also given an Action description and deadline date.

5) Under the Sales Team heading, Sales team members are added along with their details including Email, phone number, SIMPLer User ID and Gmail account for calendar integration.

6) The Send Email heading facilitates the manual sending of all Sales Actions for each Item to a specified email address. It can also facilitate the manual sending of items relating to varying statuses i.e. fallback, prospect, proposal etc.

2.3 Input of Sales Team members

1) Go to Customers -> Sales Tracking -> Sales Team (Fig 2.3-1).

Fig 2.3-1 Sales Team Member Input

2) In order to add a sales team member, select “Add” as shown below.

Fig 2.3-2 Adding a Sales Team member

3) Fill in the appropriate details for that sales team member including their Name, Nickname (please note that the nickname should represent something meaningful in relation to the sales team member for future reference), Contact Number and Email Address as is shown in Fig 2.3-3.

Fig 2.3-3 Sales Team member details

4) When selecting the username, it should correspond with that given to the Sales team member in the initial User Setup.

5) A Google Email address can be specified for each sales team member, which will accommodate the integration with the Calendar function in Google Mail, similar to that of the SIMPLer Installer scheduling. (Please note that the addition of a Google Email is optional).

6) Finally, Select “Add” in order to add the Sales Team member to the Sales Tracking Feature.

Fig 2.3-4 Sales Team member record

2.4 Entering a Customer record

1) In order to open a new Sales Item under the Sales Tracking feature, the customer for whom the Sales Items will be opened for must first be inputted into SIMPLer.

2) Please refer to the Azotel SIMPLer Quick Start Tutorials V004 (2009-11), for a guide to Basic Customer Setup.

2.5 Opening a Sales Item

1) In order to open a new Sales Item, go to Customers -> Sales Tracking -> Sales Items (Fig 2.5-1).

Fig 2.5-1 Sales Items

2) In order to add a new sales item, select the “Add” button and fill in the appropriate details for that Item.

Fig 2.5-2 Adding a new Sales Items

3) Select a pre-entered customer from the drop down list for which the Sales Items will relate to. (Customer is entered into SIMPLer prior to opening a sales item).

4) Select the Sales Team member who will be the overall contact for the Sales Item.

5) Assign a Value to the Sales Item.

6) Assign a Title to the Sales Item.

7) The Date Reported field will automatically select the present date unless another date is defined.

8) The Reported by field will automatically select the User that is entering the Sales Item unless another name is defined.

9) Select the state of the Sales Item from the drop down list to represent its current progress. The Sales Tracking feature allows an operator to specify a Sales Value which is then equated to a Pipeline value according to the current state of Sales Item.

10) A description maybe given to the Sales Item by entering text into the description field. This may include anything from special customer requirements to information about the particular Sales Item.

Fig 2.5-3 Sales item Input sheet

11) A Priority can also be defined for the Sales Item, so that all Items can be sorted according to their priority setting.

12) The status of the Sales Item can be set at this stage. This describes whether a Sales Item is Open, Closed, or Waiting for Customer. Once a Sales Item has been created, this status may be changed at any stage.

13) The Date Updated/Closed field will automatically default to the present date unless otherwise specified.

14) Once all the relevant information has been inputted, select the “Add” button in order to add the Sales Item record to SIMPLer.

Fig 2.5-4 Sales Item Record

15) Once the Sales Item has been recorded, a Sales Action can then be assigned to it as shown above circled in red.

16) The sales item may also be edited at any stage, by selecting the “E” button on the right hand side of the Sales Item record.

17) The customer record for whom the Sales Item record applies to may also be view at any stage by simply selecting the “C” button.

2.6 Opening a Sales Action

1) Opening a Sales Action for a Sales Item can be done in two ways,

i. Go to Customers -> Sales Tracking -> Sales Actions -> Add (Fig 2.6-1)

ii. Go to Customers -> Sales Tracking -> Sales Items -> Add New Sales Action (Fig 2.6-2)

Fig 2.6-1 Adding a Sales Action from outside Sales Item record

Fig 2.6-2 Adding a Sales Action whilst in a Sales Item

2) Fill in the appropriate details regarding the new Sales Action.

Fig 2.6-3 Sales Action input page

3) Select the Sales Team member that the Sales Action will apply to. This can be any Sales Team Member that has been set up on SIMPLer and does not have to correspond to the Sales Team Member that the Sales Item was assigned to initially. For the purpose of this guide, johnd is selected as the Sales Team Member as shown in Fig 2.6-3.

4) Select the Sales Item that the Sales Action will apply to. If the Sales Action is added through the route Customers -> Sales Tracking -> Sales Actions -> Add then the Sales Item will need to be specified. If the Sales Action is added through the route Customers -> Sales Tracking -> Sales Items-> Add New Sales Action then the Sales Item will automatically be specified.

5) A description can then be given to the Sales Action. This will generally describe what task the Sales Team Member must complete in relation to the specified Sales Item and may contain any other important information about the Action, i.e. if a customer would like to be called at a certain time as shown in Fig 2.6-3.

6) A Sales Team member fee may be outlined in the event that Sales Team Members work on a commission basis. However, this is not essential for the Sales Tracking aspect and may be left at the default option of 0.00 (EUR).

7) The Sales Action Opened Date is set to default to the present date unless otherwise defined, for the purpose of this

guide; the Opened Date will be set to the 4thNovember 2011.

8) The Date Scheduled is the date on which the Sales Action should be completed. Similar to the Opened Date, this is set to default to the present date unless otherwise specified. For the purpose of this guide; the Date Scheduled will be set to the 5th November 2011, as seen in Fig 2.6-3.

9) The time for when the Sales Action should be completed can also be specified. This may not always be appropriate i.e. if a Sales Team Member is required to make a call to a potential Sales Lead, specifying a time for which to complete that action may be difficult due to a variety of reasons, however in regards to setting up a meeting/webinar, an exact time can be defined. The Time Schedule will automatically default to 00:00 unless otherwise specified, for the purpose of this guide, a time of 14:30 was specified to call “Customer”, as this was the time requested by the customer as seen in Fig 2.6-3.

10) Finally in order to add the Sales Action to the Sales Item, select the “Add” button. The “Closed Date” and “Close Action Now” headings will be discussed in section -2.7- Closing a Sales Action.

Fig 2.6-4 Sales Action Record and Next Deadline

11) The Sales Action is recorded under the Sales Action heading as shown in Fig 2.6-4, with the Description of the Sales Action, the Date and Time Scheduled and the Sales Team Member assigned to that action. Also, if multiple Sales Actions are specified then the date and time for the earliest open Sales Action will be shown under the “Next Deadline” Column. As there is only one action recorded in the above example, that deadline is shown.

12) A Sales Action can also be edited at any stage by clicking the “E” button within the Sales Action record as shown above.

2.7 Closing a Sales Action

1) A Sales Action can be closed in two ways;

i. Using the “Closed Date” in the Sales Action Input page.

ii. Using the “Close Action Now” in the Sales Action Input Page.

Fig 2.7-1 Closing a Sales Action

2) In order to close a Sales Action using the Closed Date field, a Date must be defined as shown above in Fig 2.7-1. For the purpose of this guide, a date of the 6th November 2011 was defined. Once a Closed Date is set, press the “Update” button. The Sales Action will then be closed with the date showing the specified Closed Date.

Fig 2.7-2 Closed Sales Action

3) A checked box under the Status heading denotes a closed Sales Action in order to represent that the Action has been completed. The Closed Date that was specified is shown under the Date heading within the Sales Action record also. Please note that there is no “Next Deadline” date, as the only Sales Action has been closed.

4) When using the “Close Action Now” button, the Sales Action will be closed with the closed date showing the present date on which the action was closed. Using the “Close Action Now” button will mean that no closed date needs to be specified. i.e. If the “Close Action Now” button is selected on the 10h November 2011, then the closed date will automatically be set to the 10th November 2011.

2.8 Defining Pipeline Values

1) As discussed in section 2.5, when entering a Sales Item into SIMPLer, a monetary value can be assigned to each Item along with the Item’s state, which is then equated to a Pipeline Value, according to predetermined Pipeline Values.

2) In order to change these pipeline values, go to Settings -> Sales Opportunity Types (Fig 2.8-1).

Fig 2.8-1 Accessing Pipeline Definitions

3) In order to add a pipeline definition, click the “Add Blank Row” button.

Fig 2.8-2 Addition of Pipeline Definitions

4) Populate the blank row under the headings, Name, Sales Tracking Value [%] and Priority. For the purpose of this guide, “003-IG” (Information Gathering) was used as the name of the pipeline definition, 25% as the sales tracking value.

5) Pipeline definitions can also be deleted by clicking the delete button along side the chosen pipeline value.

6) In order to save the pipeline definitions, click on the “Update Pipeline Definitions” button, which will update any changes made to SIMPLer.

2.9 Closing a Sales Item

1) Once all Sales Actions have been completed and closed for a given Sales Item, the Status of the Sales Item can be

changed from Open to Closed, in order to specify which Sales Item have been finalized.

2) To close a Sales Item, go to Customer -> Sales Tracking -> Sales Items.

Fig 2.9-1 Closing a Sales Item

3) Click on the “E” button on the right hand side of the chosen Sales Item that is required to be closed.

4) Next under the Status heading, from the drop down list select the “closed” option and click “update” when ready. This will

update the status of the Sales Item to closed.

Fig 2.9-2 Selecting Closed status from Sales Item record

5) All closed Sales Items can be view by selecting “Closed” from the drop down list under the Status to be displayed


Fig 2.9-3 Display of all closed Sales Items

2.10 Email Notification of Open Sales Actions

1) There are two methods by which Sales Team Members can receive email notification of any open Sales Actions that are assigned to them.

i. Daily automatic notification

ii. Manual notification

2) In order to manually notify Sales Team members about open Sales Actions, go to Customers -> Sales Tracking

->Send Email, (Fig 2.10-1).

Fig 2.10-1 Manual notification of Open Sales Items

3) In order to send a Sales Items email, the email address to which the notification will be sent must be specified.

Fig 2.10-2 Email submission for Email Notification

4) Next the Sales Item Type can be specified, so that the report received by the Sales Team Member can contain all Sales Actions or Sales Actions with states, lead, prospect, proposal etc.

5) In order to send the email notification, click the “Submit” button.

6) The drawback of using the manual email notification process is that there is no control over the overall content of the email that is sent to the specified email address, and any Sales items as specified by the Sales Item Type will be sent to that email address regardless of whether all the items relates to that individual or not. If it is required to send a Sales Team member an email notification with only the Sales Items that relate to them, then the automatic notification systems will be more appropriate.

7) For the automatic email notification for the Sales Tracking to work, an email address must be defined for each Sales Team Member according to Section 2.3 in this guide.

8) Once an email address has been defined, any open Sales Action that a Sales Team Member is assigned to will only be sent to that particular Sales Team Member daily, until all open Sales Actions for that Sales Team Member are closed, or there are no Sales Actions assigned to that Sales Member.

9) The email notification that the Sales Team Member will receive will be in the form of an excel report.

Fig 2.10-3 Example of Sales Notification Email

10) Once the excel attachment, as shown in Fig 2.10-3, has been opened, the Sales Team member will be presented with an excel spreadsheet outlining the main details of the Sales Items for which that Sales Team Member has open actions for.

Fig 2.10-4 General Layout of Sales Item report

11) This will outline;

· Sales Team Member Nickname

· Customer Name

· Customer Nickname

· Phone

· Email

· Contact

· Address

· Customer Notes

· Sales Team Member Actions

· Last Updated

· Next Deadline Date

· Value

· State

· Pipelined Value

· Priority

· Opportunity Description

· Opportunity Age

· Distributor

· Azotel Sales Contact

· Date reported


3.1 Sales Team Member access to Sales Tracking Feature

1) When a Sales Team Member is set up on SIMPLer as a User, they will receive an Email outlining their Username, password, their administrator operator and their login URL.

Fig 3.1-1 Example of email received with Login details for SIMPLer

2) When a Sales Team Member clicks on the Login URL as shown in Fig 3.1-1, they will be redirected to the SIMPLer Login page (Fig 3.1-2).

Fig 3.1-2 Entering Login Details for Sales Team Members

3) Once directed to the Login page, fill in the appropriate details i.e. UserID (Username) and Password as outline in Fig 3.1-1, and select the “Login” button.

4) The Sales Team Member will then be prompted to change their password given that it is their first login, but this will only need to be done once.

5) Fill in the new password where instructed and select “Update”.

6) The Sales Team Member will then be redirected back to the initial login page as seen in Fig 3.1-2, where they will be required to re-enter their UserID and new password in order to access the Sales Tracking feature on SIMPLer.

3.2 Sales Team Member’s user rights on SIMPLer

1) Following the Sales Team Member User setup stage in section 2.1 of this guide, Sales Team Members will have limited usability of SIMPLer according to the User rights assigned to them. This will limit their view to only the Sales Tracking feature as shown in Fig 3.2-1

2) In order to access the Sales Item records on SIMPLer, go to Customers -> Sales Tracking -> Sales Items (Fig 3.2-1).

Fig 3.2-1 Access Sales Items in SIMPLer

3) This will only allow the Sales Team Member to view any open Sales Item for which he has been assigned to or for which he has an open Sales Action.

4) Due to the User rights defined in section 2.1, a Sales Team Member will only be able to view the Sales Items that they have either been assigned to or have a closed/open action for (Fig 3.2-2). They will not be able to see other Sales Team Members’ Sales Items.

Fig 3.2-2 Display of Sales Items for a Sales Team Member

5) In order to access the Sales Actions Record, go to Sales Tracking -> Sales Actions

6) Similar to the Sales Items records, Sales Team Members will only be able to view the Sales Actions that are associated with them and will not be able to view other Sales Team Members’ actions.

Fig 3.2-3 Sales Actions visible to assigned Sales Team Member

7) Finally, in order to access the Sales Team Member details, go to Sales Tracking -> Sales Team. This will allow Sales Team Members to change their own details if it is required to do so i.e. change of telephone number, change of email etc.

8) In order to change any details regarding Sales Team Members, press the “E” button on the right hand side of the screen to be redirected to the Modify Sales Team Member page.

Fig 3.2-4 Modify Sals Team Member Page

9) Change any details that are required to be changed i.e. Phone number, Email etc., and select “Update” in order to save the changes.

3.3 Adding a new Sales Action to a Sales Item

1) In order for a Sales Team Member to open a Sales Action for a given Sales Item, the steps are outlined in section 2.6 of this guide. (Note that there are a few exceptions in relation to Sales Team Members).

2) If a Sales Team Member is adding a Sales Action through the route Customers -> Sales Tracking ->Sales Actions -> Add, then they will only be able to add a Sales Action to a Sales Item for which they have a pre-existing Sales Action.

3) If a Sales Team Member is adding a Sales Action through the route Customers -> Sales Tracking -> Sales Items -> Add New Sales Action, then the Sales Item will have already been set to default to that Item.

3.4 Closing/Modifying a Sales Action

1) Closing a Sales Action is outlined in section 2.7 of this guide.

2) Sales Team Members will only be able to close the Sales Actions to which they have been assigned. Sales Team Member will not be able to close any other Sales Actions relating to other Sales Team Members.

3) Updating a Sales Action can be done in two ways;

i. Go to Customers à Sales Tracking -> Sales Actions ->”E”

ii. Go to Customers à Sales Tracking -> Sales Items -> Sales Action -> ”E”

4) Once the edit “E” button has been pressed the Sales Team Member will be directed to the Modify Sales Action page.

Fig 3.4-1 Modify Sales Action Page

5) From the example below, the Sales Team Member has updated the description of the Sales Action, as he was unable to contact the Customer at the time specified. He has stated that he was unable to contact them and that he will contact them at the same preferred time on the next day.

6) As well as updating the description of the Sales Action, the date scheduled can also be updated to reflect the added description within the Sales Action

7) Selecting the “Update” button will then save these changes and update the Sales Action within the Sales Item record.

Fig 3.4-2 Modified Sales Action

8) From the example above, it can be seen that the date and next deadline have been updated to reflect the modified date and the Action description has been updated.

3.5 Closing a Sales Item

1) The steps for closing a Sales Item are outlined in section 2.9 of this guide.

2) Similar to sections 3.3 and 3.4 of this guide, Sales Team Members will only be able to close the Sales Items for which they have Sales Actions assigned to them.

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