2020-1Q: SIMPLer Customer Visit Notification SMS

A new feature has been added to SIMPLer that allows operators to SMS a customer before an installer's scheduled visit.

The day and time this notification is sent is customisable.

To make use of this feature:

1. Go to

=> Settings

=> Modify WISP

Scroll down to "Operator Emails / SMS and add in the "New Type" field enter "sms_customer_visit_notification"

Further details can be found at the following link http://wiki.azotel.com/simpler-features/frequently-asked-questions/2018-2q-v002-how-to-change-default-sms-text

2. Set up a cronjob to ensure that the SMS is sent automatically to the customer

=> Click on Settings

=> Cronjobs,

"Add Blank Row" and select "Customer Visit Notification

Enter the details of when you would like the SMS to be sent

3. Set the SMS gateway settings

Go to "Customer_Visit_Notification" field and set as "1"

In order for the SMS to be sent the operator will need to ensure that their instance is integrated with an SMS gateway

Further details can be found at the following link http://wiki.azotel.com/simpler-features/features-index-1/2014-1q-v001-crm-send-sms

Published Date: [27/Feb/2020]

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