2010-2Q: SIMPLer: Multiple Credit Card (CC) and Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) accounts

A new feature has been deployed to the SIMPLer system that allows multiple CC and EFT accounts to be stored for a single customer.

    1. Multiple Credit Cards

a) SIMPLer part

Credit cards are currently stored in a Credit Card Table that is available from the “Customer details” page. Users can access this part of SIMPLer only if they have proper access rights. There are two links to the “Credit Card table”: a) on the left hand menu in the “Invoicing” section and b) through the “modify...” link after “Credit Card details” (Fig. 1.1 & Fig. 1.2)

Fig. 1.1. Credit Card Details on the “Customer Details” Page

Fig. 1.2. “Credit Card details” In Navigation Menu

The Credit Card Table stores all the data that has been entered by a user within SIMPLer or by a customer in the EUP.

Users/customers can specify as many credit cards as required. To insert a new credit card within SIMPLer simply click the “Add Credit Card” button and enter all the required credit card information (Fig. 1.3). Please note, after entering the credit card details the user must click the “Update” button to save any newly added credit cards to the customer’s account.

Fig. 1.3. Credit Card Table

NOTE: Credit card details that are required by the Operator can be modified under global Operator settings, i.e. “users->Modify WISP” page, “Credit Card Details Settings” section (Fig. 1.4).

Fig. 1.4. Credit Card Details Settings

A preferred credit card must be specified. The preferred credit card will be treated as the primary select where required within SIMPLer (i.e. as the default in drop-down lists).

The “Credit Card Auto Billing” checkbox allows a user to set a customer to be auto-billed. The credit card that the customer wishes to be charged during the auto-payment process must be selected after checking “Credit Card Auto Billing” (Fig. 1.5).

Fig. 1.5. Credit Card Auto Billing

As with adding new credit cards, changes to Auto Billing or Preferred card selection are only applied after clicking the “Update” button.

Credit card payments can be processed within SIMPLer in multiple ways. One method allows the user pay off individual invoices using a quick link on the “Customer details” page (Fig. 1.6). After clicking the link a pop-up window will be displayed with invoice details and drop down box with the preferred credit card selected by default (Fig.1.7). If the customer has requested that another card is charged the user can select an alternate card. After selecting the proper credit card, click “Make a payment” to process the payment through the online payment gateway (e.g. Authorize.net). If the transaction is successful the invoice will be set to paid.

Fig. 1.6. Quick SIMPLer credit card payment method

Note: The quick link is available only if the Operator has setup a payment gateway with Azotel (e.g. Authorize.Net, PayPal, Moneris, etc.).

Fig. 1.7. Quick SIMPLer Credit Card payment pop-up window

Another option is to make a custom credit card payment. This can be done by following the “Custom Credit Card Payment” link from the “Quick Links” menu in the billing section of the Customer Details page (Fig. 1.8)

Fig. 1.8 “Custom Credit Card Payment” link

As with individual invoice payments the custom credit card payment option allows the user to specify which card to charge. However, it also allows the user to specify how much to charge. For more details on Custom Credit Card Payments see https://sites.google.com/a/azotel.com/wiki/simpler-features/features-index-1/custom-credit-card-payment-processing

Fig. 1.9 Custom Credit Card Payment

If a payment gateway is not setup for automatic credit card processing an option is available to generate an Excel file containing invoice and credit card details to be processed manually (i.e. entered into a card reader). Please note, this option is not available in all territories due to consumer protection laws. In order to generate the Excel file go to “Invoices”->“Batch Credit Card Payments” (Fig. 1.10) and select the proper credit cards to batch (Fig. 1.11).

Fig. 1.10. “Batch Credit Card Payments” under “invoices” tab.

Fig. 1.11. “Invoices to be paid by Credit Card” page.

b) End User Portal (EUP)

A customer is able to log into their account on the End User Portal and modify all their credit card details. Note: this is true only if the Operator has turn on the global option (i.e “users->Modify WISP->End User Portal Settings”) to allow customers to update their credit cards (Fig. 1.12).

Fig. 1.12. Credit Card options under “End User Portal Settings”

With this option enabled customer can add/edit/delete their credit cards. Customer details (including credit card details) are available under “Account”->”Personal Information” (Fig. 1.13).

Fig. 1.13. Customer's Personal Information page

A customer may also enable credit card auto-payments (Fig. 1.14). Note: the credit card auto-payment option is only available if the customer selects “Credit Card” as heir preferred payment method (“Edit Customer Information” -> “Preferred payment method” dropdown on the bottom of the page – Fig.1.14).

Fig. 1.14. “Preferred payment method”

The customer can also set their preferred credit card (Fig. 1.15). Note: once a credit card is set as preferred it cannot be unselected. In order to choose different preferred card the customer must edit an alternate card’s details to set it as preferred. The previous credit card will be unselected automatically.

Fig. 1.15. Preferred credit card and auto-payment option

The customer can also choose to pay their invoices from the EUP using any of the available payment method. The customer can access unpaid invoices by going to “Account”->”Invoices” (Fig. 1.16). From here they can choose to either pay of individual invoices or make a custom payment of their choosing. Upon choosing a payment option the customer is redirected to the first stage of the payment process (Fig 1.17). Here they can:

1. Select which credit card to use to pay the invoice

2. Go back to update/add a credit card before making a payment

3. Supply credit card details if none were previously stored (Fig. 1.18)

4. Make payment

Fig. 1.16. “Invoices” page in EUP.

Fig. 1.17. “Payment First Stage” in EUP.

Fig. 1.18. “Payment First Stage” with no stored credit cards

c) Captive Portal (CP) part

There were no changes to the Hotspot Captive Portal from the Operator or customer's point of view. However, two things to note here are:

1) Customers are able to select their credit card for making recurring payments (Fig. 1.19) which will store their card within SIMPLer.

2) After a token is purchased an EUP account is created. The customer can use their stored credit card to make any future payments or manipulate their credit cards the same way as regular EUP accounts.

Fig. 1.19. “Payment First Stage” in Captive Portal

2. Multiple EFT accounts

a) SIMPLer part

Bank accounts are currently stored in the Bank Account table that is available on the “Customer details” page. Users can get access to this part of SIMPLer only if they have proper user access rights. There are two links to the “Bank Account table”: a) on the left hand menu in the “Invoicing” section and b) through the “modify...” link after “Bank Account details” (Fig. 2.1 & Fig. 2.2)

Fig. 2.1. “Bank Account details” on “Customer details” page

Fig. 2.2 “Bank account details” in Navigation Menu

The Bank Account table stores all data that has been entered by a user within SIMPLer or a customer through the EUP. Users can specify as many bank accounts as required. To insert new customer's bank account click the “Add Row” button and enter all required bank information (Fig. 2.3)

Fig. 2.3. Customer Bank EFT table

A preferred bank account must be specified. The preferred bank account will be treated as the primary one where required in system (i.e. as the default in drop-down lists).

Modifications to the Bank EFT table will be applied after clicking the “Update” button.

Bank accounts can be charged by going to “Invoices->Invoices to be EFT”(Fig.2.4).

Fig. 2.4. “Invoices to be EFT” link under “Invoices” tab

Operators will be able to choose which bank account to process for EFT payments for each invoice. However, the preferred bank account is selected by default and shouldn’t be changed without a customer’s permission (Fig. 2.5).

Fig. 2.5. “Invoices to be EFT” page

b) End User Portal (EUP) part

A customer can log into their account in the End User Portal and modify all their bank account details. Note: this is true only if the Operator has turn on the global option (“users->Modify WISP->End User Portal Settings”) to allow customers to update their bank account details (Fig. 2.6).

Fig. 2.6. Global EUP Banking details

Customers can add/edit/delete their bank account through the EUP. To do so the customer will have to go to “Account->Personal Information” to see their bank account details (Fig. 2.7).

Fig. 2.7. Bank details under “Account->Personal Information” page in EUP.

The customer can also set their preferred bank account (Fig. 2.8) through the EUP. Note that once a bank account is set as the preferred it cannot be unselected. By selecting another account as the preferred account the previous bank account will be unselected automatically.

Fig. 2.8. Bank EFT account details in EUP

c) UK & Irish Operators

Some banks (e.g. Bank of Ireland (DD+), AIB, Ulster Bank, National Irish Bank, Lloyds TSB) require that the payer specify if the bank account was already used to make a payment. There is a “First Time Direct Debit” flag to indicate an account for a first us (Fig. 2.9). This flag will change automatically after its first use in an EFT payment. Users should be careful with this flag and use it only if they have updated the customer's bank account.

Fig. 2.9. “First Time Direct Debit” flag

d) United States Operators

US Operators/Customers are able to use following additional features:

1) Select Bank Account Type (Fig 2.10 -2.11)

Fig. 2.10. “Bank Account Type” in SIMPLer

Fig.2.11. “Bank Account Type” in EUP

2) Operators can turn on the global option to require customer approval for e-check (i.e. direct debit) processing (Fig. 2.12). The customer’s approval is given when the customer goes to the “Invoices” page in the EUP and selects their direct debit payment method (i.e. “E-check”) (Fig 2.13). When the customer selects a bank account to use for a payment and submits the information (Fig 2.14) this will set a flag that the Operator is allowed to submit a payment to this customers account (Fig.2.15). For more details on e-check processing go to https://sites.google.com/a/azotel.com/wiki/simpler-features/features-index-1/e-check-payment-processing-via-eup-end-user-portal

Fig. 2.12. Flag to indicate if e-check processing requires Customer approval

Fig. 2.13. “Account->Invoices” page in EUP

Fig. 2.14. “Payment First Stage” page for bank payments

Fig. 2.15. Confirmation that bank account will be used for e-check payment.

A customer is also able to set their bank account for recurring payments (Fig. 2.16). When adding/updating an account. This will allow the Operator to use that bank account for subsequent invoice payments without further authorization from the customer. Approved bank accounts will show up for submission under“Invoices->Invoices to be EFT” (Fig. 2.17). Note that the EFT auto-payment option is available only if the customer selected his payment method to be direct debit (e.g. PAC, ACH). The can be set on the Personal Information page of the EUP by clicking on “Edit Customer Information” and selecting the “Preferred payment method” on the bottom of the page (Fig.1.15).

Fig. 2.16. “EFT auto-payment” checkbox in EUP

Fig. 2.17. “Invoices to be EFT” page with Approval Flag.

The “Bank EFT auto-payment” option is also available within SIMPLer on the customers Bank Account table page. The “Bank EFT auto-payment” checkbox allows the Operator to set the account to be used for auto EFT payment. The Bank EFT account that will be charged during direct debit process must be selected after checking on “Bank EFT auto-payment” (Fig. 2.18)

Fig. 2.18. EFT auto-billing in SIMPLer

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