2022-2Q: [CRM] History for Equipment from customer account

We have recently added the ability to display equipment history from the customer account page.

This is useful when an operator is wanting support staff to only have access to history relating to equipment.

Particularly handy when an operator reuses their equipment when it is returned. Operator can:

  • look at a piece of equipment and see which customers have had it before

  • check if a piece of equipment, that was assigned to a previous customer, had similar issues historically that the current customer is experiencing

To make use of this feature:

1. The new equipment history page can only be viewed when the following user right is enabled

=> network => access

Fig 1: User right – Limited history

2. From the customer account page click on the "H" next to the piece of equipment

Fig 2: Equipment history from customer account

4. This will bring up the History Log relating only to that piece of equipment.

The screenshot below shows the only details / operations available.

Fig 3: Limited history log – equipment

Published Date: 12-July-2022

Engineer: AP

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