2010-1Q: SIMPLer: Email Notification to Alert when a Network Interface's available IP addresses are being depleted

A new option has been added to SIMPLer, which allows the Operator to decide whether or not an email notification should be generated when a Network Interface's available IP addresses fall below a certain threshold.

This option is available on a global basis to the Operator under the general Global Operator settings page i.e. "Users->Modify WISP Details".

Under the main "Modify WISP Details" page:

(1) Go to the "SIMPLer settings" section (under "Alert thresholds for WIB").

(2) Find the "Network Interfaces - Email notification that interface is running out of IPs " flag (highlighted below).

(3) When set to "on", an email notification is sent to the support e-mail set under WISP Details (if support e-mail is blank then the notice goes out to the general e-mail specified).

(4) Note that SIMPLer will carry out this check on a daily basis.

(5) The notification is sent to the Operator when the percentage of available IP addresses within the interface pool falls below the amount specified int the "Network Interfaces - Email Notification Threshold [%]" option.

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