2021-3Q: [ACC] Projected Overage Report & Turn ON/OFF Overage Subscription

A new feature has been added to report on projected overages and also to enable / disable generating overage subscriptions.

To make use of this feature:

  1. Hover over "Tools" click => Reports and select the "Projected Overages" Report.

You are able to select this report for the previous month or the current month.

Fig 1: Projected Overage Report

2. This report is downloadable and it can also be sent automatically to a chosen email address via a cronjob.

We suggest running the cronjob on the 1st day of the month so that the report includes the previous month's overages .

Fig 2: Cronjob - Projected Overage Report

4. To disable the generating overage subscriptions on customer accounts go to "Modify WISP" and search for "Do not create overage top-up subscription" under Customer Traffic Limit based SAND

*NOTE* it is very important to have Traffic Limit SAND enabled in order for this report to function correctly

Fig 3: WISP Setting - Turn off Overage Subscription

Published Date: 19-October-2021

Engineer: PD

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