2015-4Q: CRM: Show all site on PTP Analysis Page

A new feature has been added to the PTP analysis page that will allow operators to see all sites on the map when they are carrying out a PTP analysis. This can be beneficial when doing a preliminary customer survey, CSRs will be able to see on the map which is the closest site.

Please note that GPS coordinates would need to be set for your site in order for it to display on the map. (Under network - Sites)

You can access this feature in two ways:

1) If a customer has GPS coordinates listed there will be a "run PTP analysis" button on their own record, as per Figure 1.

Fig. 1: Run PTP analysis button

Once you click on this button it will pull up the PTP analysis page where the customer GPS will be automatically entered. Then you can click to show the map, and choose the site nearest in the "select site" field as per Fig. 2 and generate your report.

Fig. 2: PTP Analysis Page

Fig. 3: Results

2) Alternatively, on the customers tab you can click on the customer survey tool.

Fig. 4: Customer Survey Tool

With this option you will need to enter the details of the customer GPS manually, or run a site to site analysis, as the page will be blank for your input.

Fig. 5: Customer Survey Tool Results