2022-1Q: [CRM] Last 5 Sent Electronic Document Log

A new feature has been added to increase the functionality of sending electronic documents. This assists operators that need to send a document to a customer that does not require a signature but a log of the document being sent is required.

To make use of this feature:

1. Go to the customer account

Scroll down to “Generate Electronic Documents” and click => Send document to customer

Check the box indicated below “Send Document Only (No Signature)”

Select the document you wish to send

Click “Send”

Fig 1: Generate link - send document to customer

2. The Electronic Document that was sent will be recorded under the “Last 5 Sent Documents Log”.

This log shows all sent documents – those that required a signature and those that did not

Fig 2: Last 5 Sent Documents Log

Published Date: 29-March-2022

Engineer: AP

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