New Customer Auto-Provisioning
Auto-Provisioning in SIMPLer system enables Operators to set-up their customers automatically once they are connected to the radio. This guide presents all the steps required to get customers installed using the auto-provisioning process.
1) Network Interface in SIMPLer system
-> Define all network interfaces that are going to be used in your network
-> Make sure you have defined at least one interface with "Role" - "Canopy" and one interface with "Role" - "Customer" or "Public".
a) "Canopy" role defines Equipment subnet
b) "Customer" role defines Customer Private IP subnet
c) "Public" role defines Customer Public IP subnet
NOTE: you can use the same subnet, e.g. for equipment and customer - you must define two interfaces: one with role "Canopy" and second with role "Customer"
-> Make sure that you leave some IP addresses for special purposes out of the defined interface so they will not be used by any piece of equipment or customer, e.g. for installers. To do that when defining interface enter "Start IP address" like and "Number of addresses" like 252. It means that IP addresses from pool - will be taken during auto-provisioning process and IP address will remain to be used for special purposes
-> Make sure that the subnets you have added are defined on your WIB and are added to the SIMPLer-WIB tunnel. You can test that by pinging Gateway IP address, e.g. from SIMPLer "Tools" tab
2) Customer Account in SIMPLer system.
-> Add a new customer
-> Make note of customer nickname
-> Make sure customer status is "waiting for install"
-> On "Network" tab of "Add Customers" page
a) Assign customer to WIB and bucket
NOTE: Auto-Provisioning can assign customer to WIB automatically based on subnet selected but it is recommended to set that up manually because auto-provisioning sets bucket randomly.
b) make sure correct IP type is selected :
Public - customer will get IP address from one of the network interfaces which "Role" is defined as "Public"
Private - customer will get IP address from one of the network interfaces which "Role" is defined as "Customer"
c) IP number - select appropriate number of IP addresses to be generated.
NOTE: if you check "NAT" checkbox - only one IP address can be generated.
d) NAT - check this box if you want piece of equipment to NAT network behind it. Customer will get IP address from DHCP pool that will be set on piece of equipment. SIMPLer will see only IP addresses that are on "WAN" side of piece of the equipment
-> Make sure you added other customer information not related to the auto-provisioning process and click "Add Customer" button
3) Network Device Configuration
A) Ubiquity AirOS Nanostation
-> on the "Wireless" tab
a) Select appropriate "Wireless Mode" - Station
b) make sure SSID follows Access Point SSID
c) click "Change" button to make changes
-> on the "Services" tab
a) Enable Telnet Server on port 23
b) Enable SNMP Agent
Enter SNMP Community, Contact Name and Location
c) click "Change" button to make changes
-> on the "System" tab
a) Enter "Device name" which is customer nickname noted in section 2)
b) click "Change" button to make changes
-> on the "Network" tab
a) enter Installer IP address, e.g.
IP address -
Netmask -
Gateway -
b) click "Change" button to make changes
B) Motorola / Cambium Canopy
Ensure that the device is registered on the desired Access Point (i.e. set Radio settings, etc).
-> On the Configuration -> SNMP tab
a) Set the "SNMP Community String 1" to the default SNMP community string set in WISP settings in SIMPLer.
b) Ensure that the "SNMP Coummunity String 1 Permission" is set to "Read / Write"
c) Ensure that there are no SNMP accessing restrictions (i.e. the accessing address / subnet are set to
d) Set the "Site Name" (at the bottom of the page) to the customer Nickname:
e) Click "Save Changes"
-> On the Configuration -> NAT tab ensure that NAT is disabled.
-> On the Configuration -> IP tab
a) Set an IP address / Netmask and Gateway address
b) Save the changes and reboot the device
c) Once the device has rebooted it is ready to be auto-provisioned.
C) MikroTik
See 2010-3Q: PROVISIONING: Provision Now support for MikroTik routerboards
D) Alvarion
See 2010-3Q: PROVISIONING: "Provision Now" support for Alvarion BreezeACCESS VL SU
4) Auto-Provisioning from SIMPLer
Once all above is setup and CPE is installed on customer premises it can be provisioned from SIMPLer system
-> Go to the "Tools" and select "Provision Now" from drop-down box
-> IP address of SM - select appropriate equipment subnet and enter last octet, e.g. 254
-> Target Equipment Subnet - select subnet which IP address will be assigned to the CPE from
-> Target Customer Subnet - select subnet which IP address will be assigned to the customer from. Make sure that you select subnet that role is "Public" if customer should be assigned public IP address or subnet that role is "Customer" if customer should be assigned private IP address
-> Customer MAC Address - enter customer MAC address if MAC address should be added to the customer IP table
-> Clear IP traffic - check that box if there is a risk that customer may get assigned to IP address that has already been used and there is old traffic stored on that IP address
-> click "Submit" to provision customer.
NOTE: It might take couple of minutes to provision customer
-> once provisioning is done results are displayed
5) Provisioning effects
-> CPE is updated with new IP details and NAT on or off based on customer settings
-> Piece of Equipment is added to the "Equipment" table or if piece of equipment with MAC address has already existed it is updated with new details.
-> Created piece of equipment is added to the customer account
-> IP address is added to the customer account
-> If access point customer was assigned to had been defined in SIMPLer system with correct MAC address customer site will be updated so customer will be assigned to the same site basestation / access point have been assigned to.
-> Customer is assigned to WIB based on subnet selected (if customer has not been assigned to WIB during "Add a new customer" process)
-> Customer is assigned to bucket randomly - if bucket was not set during "Add a new customer" process
-> Customer Installation Ticket and any Installer Trackings are closed (if they were opened after "Add a new customer" process)
-> Customer Installation Date and Start Date are set.
-> Customer Status is changed to "current"
-> WIB files are updated to allow customer to browse Internet.