Modify SAND Status per Customer
Operators can have a feature enabled (under Settings - Modify WISP) called SAND (Subscriber Auto Notify and Disconnect). The settings entered for this feature are GLOBAL, meaning that they apply to all customers.
However, once enabled it is also possible to override the settings per customer.
For invoice payment due based SAND this can be done on the BANKING DETAILS tab of the customer record at the bottom of the page as shown in the screenshot at Fig.1.
Fig. 1: SAND Status - Invoice
Default: The settings will stay exactly as entered under the WISP Settings.
Deferred: In cases where the end customer experiences a temporary issue (credit card stolen, etc) the operator can choose to "ignore" this customer in the SAND process until a specific date. No notifications or disconnections will occur.
Deferred with Notices: In cases where the end customer experiences a temporary issue (credit card stolen, etc) the operator can choose to "ignore" this customer in the SAND process until a specific date for disconnects only. No disconnections will occur, but in this case notifications will still be sent out.
Off: This customer will be completely excluded from the SAND process i.e never notified or disconnected for non payment.
Override Defaults: Operators can choose to keep SAND enabled but enter completely different configurations per customer than those which are in the WISP Settings.
Don't forget to click "update customer" and register your changes.
For traffic limit based SAND this can be done on the NETWORK DETAILS tab of the customer record at the bottom of the page as shown in the screenshot at Fig.2.
Fig. 2: SAND Status - Traffic
Default: The settings will stay exactly as entered under the WISP Settings.
Deferred: In cases where the end customer experiences a temporary issue the operator can choose to "ignore" this customer in the SAND process until a specific date. No notifications or disconnections will occur.
Off: This customer will be completely excluded from the SAND process i.e never notified or disconnected for over usage.
Override Defaults: Operators can choose to keep SAND enabled but enter completely different configurations per customer than those which are in the WISP Settings.
Don't forget to click "update customer" and register your changes.