2018-2Q (v002): How to Change Default SMS Text
Below are the details that are required to build your own SAND and auto-payment failure notification SMS. The variables are added to the templates with the % sign wrapping them.
To supply custom text for the SAND system SMS, do the following:
Go to the Settings tab at the top of the page and select Modify WISP from the drop down menu.(Fig. 1-1)
Fig. 1-1
Scroll down to the Sub-heading "Operator Emails / SMS". (Fig. 1-2)
In the "New Type" field enter the name of the SMS that text is being provided for (e.g. sms_sand_invoice_date_1). (You must use one of the types provided in this document. Note that "invoice" is the valid invoice type. "Test invoice" will not make any changes for example.) (Fig. 1-2)
Click "Add new type" (Fig. 1-2)
If multiple SMS types have been added, select the appropriate one from the "Type" dropdown (Fig. 1-2)
Edit "Subject" and "Body" to add desired text using variables from the samples below (Fig. 1-2)
Scroll to the top/bottom of the page and click "Update WISP" to confirm your template changes
Fig. 1-2
<Operator Name>
Email: <email>
Phone: <Phone>
Mobile: <mobile>
Fax: <fax>
WWW: <website>
For the EMAIL_FOOTER variable, all the details in the opening and closing brackets (< >) are pulled from the WISP details as seen in Fig. 1-3.
Fig. 1-3: WISP Details
Subject - %OPERATOR_NAME% Accounts Dept: %CUSTOMER_NAME% Payment Request
Body - Dear Customer,
This is a SMS notification to say that payment on your account is now due. Should payment not be received within the next [14] days, your service will be disconnected. If you have any questions with respect to this SMS, please contact the accounts department at %OPERATOR_EMAIL_ACCOUNTS%.
Subject - %OPERATOR_NAME% Accounts Dept: %CUSTOMER_NAME% Payment Request
Body - Dear Customer,
This is a SMS notification to say that payment on your account is now due. Should payment not be received within the next [7] days, your service will be disconnected. If you have any questions with respect to this SMS, please contact the accounts department at %OPERATOR_EMAIL_ACCOUNTS%.
Subject - %OPERATOR_NAME% Accounts Dept: %CUSTOMER_NAME% Disconnect Notification
Body - Dear Customer,
This is a SMS notification to say that payment has not been received for this account. Your service has been disconnected. Please contact us to settle the outstanding amount and discuss reconnection.
Subject - %OPERATOR_NAME% Accounts Dept: %CUSTOMER_NAME% Disconnect Notification
Body - Dear Customer,
This is a SMS notification to say that payment has not been received for this account. Your service has been limited. Please contact us to settle the outstanding amount and discuss restoring your service.
Subject - [%OPERATOR_NAME%] Accounts Dept: [%CUSTOMER_NAME%] Payment Request
Body - Dear Customer,
This is a SMS notification to say that payment on your account is now due. Should payment not be received within the next days, your service will be disconnected.
If you have any questions with respect to this SMS, please contact the accounts department at [\%OPERATOR_EMAIL_ACCOUNTS\%].
Subject - [%OPERATOR_NAME%] Accounts Dept: [%CUSTOMER_NAME%] Payment Request
Body - Dear Customer,
This is a SMS notification to say that payment on your account is now due. Should payment not be received within the next days, your service will be disconnected.
If you have any questions with respect to this SMS, please contact the accounts department at [\%OPERATOR_EMAIL_ACCOUNTS\%].
Subject - [%OPERATOR_NAME%] Accounts Dept: [%CUSTOMER_NAME%] Payment Request
Body - Dear Customer,
This is a SMS notification to say that payment on your account is now due. Should payment not be received within the next days, your service will be disconnected.
If you have any questions with respect to this SMS, please contact the accounts department at [\%OPERATOR_EMAIL_ACCOUNTS\%].
Subject - [%OPERATOR_NAME%] Accounts Dept: [%CUSTOMER_NAME%] Disconnect Notification
Body - Dear Customer,
This is a SMS notification to say that payment has not been received for this account. Your service has been disconnected.
Please contact us to settle the outstanding amount and discuss reconnection.
Body - Dear Customer,
This is a SMS notification to say that you have reached %SAND_CUSTOMER_TRAFFIC_TRESHOLD%% of your monthly usage (CAP) allowance. Traffic usage to date: %SAND_CUSTOMER_TRAFFIC_AMOUNT% GB
Body - Dear Customer,
This is a SMS notification to say that you have reached %SAND_CUSTOMER_TRAFFIC_TRESHOLD%% of your monthly usage (CAP) allowance. Traffic usage to date: %SAND_CUSTOMER_TRAFFIC_AMOUNT% GB
Body - Dear Customer,
This is a SMS notification to say that you have exceeded your %CALCULATION_PERIOD%ly usage (CAP) allowance on account %CUSTOMER_NAME%. Traffic usage to date: %SAND_CUSTOMER_TRAFFIC_AMOUNT% GB
Body - Dear Customer,
This is a SMS notification to say that you have exceeded your %CALCULATION_PERIOD%ly usage (CAP) allowance on account %CUSTOMER_NAME%. Traffic usage to date: %SAND_CUSTOMER_TRAFFIC_AMOUNT% GB
Body - Dear Customer,
This is a SMS notification to say that you have exceeded your %CALCULATION_PERIOD%ly usage (CAP) allowance on account %CUSTOMER_NAME%. Traffic usage to date (throttling): %SAND_CUSTOMER_TRAFFIC_AMOUNT% GB
Subject - [%OPERATOR_NAME%] Customer Appointment Notification - %CUSTOMER_NAME%
Body -
Dear %CUSTOMER_NAME%, This is an SMS notification to remind you about the appointment scheduled to perform the following work: %TICKET_TITLE% Our Installer %ASSIGNED_INSTALLER% will visit you at your premises at %TIME_SCHEDULED% If you want to cancel the meeting please let us know. Best Regards,
Variables for Mass SMS
Variables for SAND SMS notifications
Possible Variables for use in subject/body
%INVOICEID% (only for auto_payment_failure)
%INVOICE_AMOUNT% (only for auto_payment_failure & auto_payment_receipt & SAND lodgement failure & payment_receipt_email)
%INVOICE_NUMBER% (only for SAND lodgement failure)
%LODGEMENT_FAILURE_1_DATE% (only for SAND lodgement failure)
%LODGEMENT_FAILURE_2_DATE% (only for SAND lodgement failure)
%LODGEMENT_FAILURE_3_DATE% (only for SAND lodgement failure)
%LODGEMENT_DISCONNECTION_DATE% (only for SAND lodgement failure)
%PAYMENT_DATE% (only for SAND lodgement failure)
%PAYMENT_TYPE% (only for auto_payment_failure & auto_payment_receipt & payment_receipt_email)
%PAYMENT_ERROR% (only for auto_payment_failure)
%CAP_OVERAGE% - Traffic CAP coming from overage top-ups
%CAP_SUBSCRIPTION% - Traffic CAP coming from subscriptions
%PORTAL_USERNAME% (only available for auto_cc_expiry_notification)
%STREET% (only available for auto_cc_expiry_notification)
%STREET_2% (only available for auto_cc_expiry_notification)
%CITY% (only available for auto_cc_expiry_notification)
%COUNTRY% (only available for auto_cc_expiry_notification)
%ZIP% (only available for auto_cc_expiry_notification)
%STATE% (only available for auto_cc_expiry_notification)
%PAYMENT_AMOUNT% (only available for payment_receipt_email & eup_payment_notification)
%METHOD% "Credit Card" or "Bank Account" depending on payment method used (only available for eup_payment_notification && eup_autopayment_signup_notification)
%TRANSACTION_REFERENCE% (only available for eup_payment_notification && eup_autopayment_signup_notification)
%TYPE% Credit Card Type (e.g. Visa, MasterCard) or Bank Account Type (e.g. savings, checking) depending on payment method used (only available for eup_payment_notification && eup_autopayment_signup_notification)
%CC_EXPIRATION% Credit Card Expiration Date (only available for eup_payment_notification && eup_autopayment_signup_notification)
%LAST4% Last four digits of Credit Card or Bank Account Number depending on payment method used (only available for eup_payment_notification & eup_autopayment_signup_notification)
%OWNER_NAME% Credit Card holder name or Bank Account Name depending on payment method used (only available for eup_payment_notification & eup_autopayment_signup_notification)
%ASSIGNED_INSTALLER% (only for sms_visit_notification)
%TICKET_TITLE% (only for sms_visit_notification)
%TIME_SCHEDULED% (only for sms_visit_notification)
%TRACKING_NOTE% (only for sms_visit_notification)
%DATE_SCHEDULED% (only for sms_visit_notification)
%HOUR_SCHEDULED_24% (only for sms_visit_notification)
%HOUR_SCHEDULED_12% (only for sms_visit_notification)
%DAY_OF_A_WEEK% (only for sms_visit_notification)
%CONFIRMATION_CODE% (only for sms_visit_notification)
%CANCEL_CODE% (only for sms_visit_notification)
Only for maintenance_operator_update
%ID% (only for maintenance_operator_update)
%TITLE% (only for maintenance_operator_update)
%DATEREPORTED% (only for maintenance_operator_update)
%DATECLOSED% (only for maintenance_operator_update)
%ISSUEDESCRIPTION% (only for maintenance_operator_update)
%RESOLUTION% (only for maintenance_operator_update)
%REPORTEDBY% (only for maintenance_operator_update)
%TYPE% (only for maintenance_operator_update)
%STATUS% (only for maintenance_operator_update)
%PRIORITY% (only for maintenance_operator_update)
%TICKET_RECIPIENTS% (only for maintenance_operator_update)