2010-1Q: SIMPLer: Migrate Customer Account to another database

Instructions: From your master portal you can search across your databases for various types of information. As per Fig. 1-1. you can choose a Search Type "Migrate Customer" and perform the migration from here.

You will also see from Fig.1-2. that you can choose:

Once you change this and press "View List / Search", you will be able to see the results for your search - see Fig. 1-3. After choosing a customer you want to be migrated, you will need to change the instance it is in from its current instance to the one you want - see Fig. 1-4. Then you will be presented with a pop up window asking to confirm that you wish to perform this task - see Fig 1-5. In the end you will be moved to the page informing if the migrating was successful or not - Fig. 1-6.

Please review the migration summary below for further understanding on what is addressed by the migration and what may need to be changed on your side.

Fig. 1-1. Migrate customers

Fig. 1-2. Instances and Search

Fig. 1-3. Migrate Search results

Fig. 1-4. Customer to be migrated

Fig. 1-5. Confirmation

Fig. 1-6. Page informing if the migrating was successful or not


Migration Summary:


Azotel | River House | Blackpool Park | Cork | Ireland

US +1-312-239-0680 | IE +353-21-234-8100 | UK +44-207-193-4170 | SA +27-11-083-6900 

Published Date: 2010

Updated Date: 3 April 2024

 Engineer: PD