2019-1Q: Check-IN and Check-OUT for installer tracking on SIMPLer mobile App

This feature allows for an installer to check-in and check-out on a specific maintenance ticket they have assigned to them.

The check-in and check-out times will be logged under the Installer Tracking page in SIMPLer.

Feature Operation:

1. A maintenance ticket with installer tracking must be open and assigned to an installer with tracking enabled.

2. Once the ticket is assigned, the installer can view the maintenance ticket on the mobile app under the subscriber record, a green checkin button will show for the installer to Check-IN.

Fig 2.a Ticket not checked in or out

3. Once the installer has checked in it will display the checkin date and time and a new button will be shown to Check-OUT.

Fig 3.a Ticket checked in and displaying checkout button and time

Fig 3.b Fully check in and out ticket after the job is done

Viewing the check-in/check-out date and times + Total Duration in SIMPLer.

You can view the installer tracking dates/times and total duration of the job in SIMPLer in two locations, on the installer tracking page or on the customer record.

1 - Installer tracking page

Fig 1.a Installer Tracking page

2 - Customer Record (under the customer interaction tab).

Note: The Installer Tracking tab will only display on the customer record if there has been a maintenance ticket with tracking assigned to this customer.

Fig 2.a Customer Record page showing Installer Tracking information

3 - Installer GPS Checkin/out location tracking

A new feature has been added that will now record the GPS coordinates of the installers location when they check-IN or check-OUT.

You can also click on the map icon next to the coordinates and this will open google maps.

Note: The installer will need to accept the location permission in the browser or the coordinates will not be registered in SIMPLer.

Fig 3.a Customer Record page showing Installer Tracking information with GPS Check-IN and Check-OUT

Published Date: [20/Mar/2019] by anthony

Change History Log:

Anthony [03/Apr/2019]

Contact Azotel Support:

Need more help? Save time by creating a maintenance ticket to Azotel through your instance.