2019-2Q: SIMPLer: Invoicing Frequency Change

A new feature has been added to enhance the changes to the invoicing frequncy for customer. It allows for an operator to easily change a frequency and adjust first invoice date that will go out under new billing cycle.

To make use of this feature:

1. Click on green (E) alonngside the "Invoicing Frequency" label

Fig 1.a Invoicing Frequency Edit link

2. Modify the frequency and adjust the invoice date that it should start from (Note: the invoice date can not be earlier than end of the previous invoice). After entering proper values into the fields click "Update" to accept the changes

Fig 2.a Modify Frequency

3. Generate new invoice for customer to start new frequency cycle.

Published Date: 2019-04-01

Change History Log:

[pawel ]2019-04-01: Added doc

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