2016-2Q:CRM: Auto Close tickets waiting for customer

A new field has been added to SIMPLer that will allow operators to specify after how many days of inactivity (since the last update) the tickets set as "waiting for customer" (see Fig. 1) can be closed. The field is named "Specify number of days after which "waiting for customer" tickets should auto-close" (see Fig. 2) and is available in the WISP Settings ("Settings -> Modify WISP") under the "SIMPLer Settings sub-section.

Fig 1: Setting status to "waiting for customer"

Fig 2: Specify number of days "waiting for customer" ticket(s) should auto-close.

The Feature works as follows:

    • Enter number of days into the "Specify number of days after which "waiting for customer" tickets should auto-close" field (see fig. 2) and press "Update WISP" at the end of the page.

    • Every maintenance ticket with the status "waiting for customer" that hasn't been updated for the specified number of days will be closed. The only tickets that will not be closed are tickets of type "azotel" and "azotel-feature".

    • An email will be sent out to the email specified in the "email" field under the "Contact Details" of "Settings -> Modify WISP". (See Fig. 3) This email will consist of maintenance ticket IDs that were closed. Note: The first time the script runs the email might be long if a lot of tickets met the requirements. See Fig 4 for an example of the type of email that will be sent.

  • The script to auto-close these tickets will run once a day at 5:45am.

Fig 3. Email field to which the auto-closed maintenance ticket IDs will be sent.

Fig 4. Example email received after the script closes tickets.

Note: Number of days is taken from the "Specify number of days after which "waiting for customer" tickets should auto-close" field (Fig. 2)

A maintenance ticket closed by the feature will look something like the ticket shown in Fig 5., where the ticket status is "closed".

Fig 5. Example of closed ticket by the new feature.