2015-2Q: SIMPLer: Enhancements to Templates
Some enhancements have been made to SIMPLer templates to allow operators to create new templates that can be used for individual customers if their Invoice, or End User Portal should have a different look and feel to the DEFAULT template used for most customers.
The templates can be located at Settings - Templates.
Fig. 1: Settings - Templates
By clicking on the "template definitions" button, you can commence adding a new template type for either Invoice or End User Portal.
Fig. 2: Template Definitions
On the next page you can add new labels for your templates, some examples are to create a separate template for "corporate" customers, or for English language customers versus a different language. Choose whether this new template label is available for the invoice or the End User Portal,
Fig. 3: Template Labels
To customize your new INVOICE template you must choose the appropriate template type on the templates page and allow the page to fully refresh. Then upload:
(a) The desired HTML file as a TEMPLATE
(b) The desired JPEG file as a LOGO
Fig. 4: File Types
Make sure to have a backup of a working file available in case of any issues during your customization of the HTML file.
More information on this process is located here!
To customize your End User Portal template there are a number of HTML files available. Please contact Azotel Support to discuss the options you are looking to customize and the support team will direct you to the correct file type.
Fig. 5: EUP File types
Once you are happy with the customization done to the new templates, you can assign individual customers to these new template types on the GENERAL details section of the customer account.
Fig. 6: Customer Template Selection
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